Thursday, July 28, 2011

Long summer days...

Hai guise! *that's a shout out to you Hallie*

I'm not sure if I have blogged about my intense dislike for summer...the heat being the number one reason, and its not even really hot where I live...but anything over 20 degrees and I am miserable....Also, James wakes up with the roosters at 5am because it is broad daylight out...and yes, I really hear roosters in the morning...and the kids refuse to go to bed by 8:30pm because..yep...broad daylight...I yearn for the 7am and 4pm darkness....come on winter...come to mama! I also have the inability to use an oven in the summer..its either bbq'ed or the winter...slaving over the warm cook top...frying up some animal-helper..or throwing a hunk of meat in the slow cooker...I'm ready for yesterday...I stare longingly at my fall themed candles and hand soap...yes my pretties...soon!

I have been thoroughly disgusted with the events this past week in Norway...I can't even begin to imagine...those kids on the island...witnessing their friends being shot and killed...I usually go on and on about this stuff...but I really can' brain can't process the horror...I know Norway does not have the death penalty...but I say fry the fucker...let all those parents have a go at him...If someone brutally murdered my child...I would kill them, or Doug of us would...the other parent would have to raise the other two...I live in Canada..the most time served for murder would be 2-3 years...I would plead insanity and be out on good behavior after 7 months...

I'm trying to remember if I have read somewhere that he ( Norwegian psychopath) had been hearing voices or whatever...I always hear of people acting cray cray...they always say "I heard voices telling me to decapitate the kitten" Why do these people never hear voices telling them something along the lines of "take your meds".

Looking forward to this sister in law is coming over for a sleep over Saturday night while Doug and his brother go to the U2 concert....Sunday we are all going for a picnic...I'm not telling case I have any stalkers...hehehe...I gotta lay off the true crime stuff before I go cray cray...

Its in Chester....come by and say hi....

Have a grand one all.....

1 comment:

  1. It is hot as hell here too and I am miserable! It's been over 100 for like 45 days straight and no rain. It's miserable here and I am soooo ready for fall.

    I am already burning fall scents lol, isn't that sad?I'd much rather be freezing with a blanket than this crap.

    The Norway events are horrible, that psycho needs to fry. That's all I have to say about that.
