Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pregnesia..I has it

I've been getting death threats so I decided to update...

I am suffering from a severe case of pregnesia..memory loss due to pregnancy. I've had it before, but this time around I am at a minimally functioning level, I am thankful I do not have to leave the house on a regular basis, fuck knows what would happen to me...Doug is getting me a white board this week so I can write down important things I do not want to the fact that I have kids to feed

Here is just a brief list of what I do daily

  • forget various items of Hallie's Lunch
  • shower and forget to wash my hair
  • go upstairs and wonder why went upstairs/vice versa
  • put fridge items in cupboards/vice versa
  • go to the grocery store and come home with nothing I went for, usually list is lost

So not much has went on in the last 2 weeks, Doug went and came back from Ontario..Hallie got her report card (excellent) Leah now weighs 22 lbs and I've started watching this new show called United Stated Of Tara...HI-LARIOUS!

As for this week, I finally have my ultrasound on Tuesday, so hopefully I will get my due date..I'm so excited to see the little nugget!

The weather has been nice so I have a few outdoor pics, we found a baby swing for Leah and she loves it, she just laughs and laughs!

I had to give Leah a bath in the sink while Doug was away, my back was really bothering me and I was not able to lean over the regular tub..I'm not sure she liked it, usually she loves her baths, she was just kind of meh over the whole thing...

I'm out, I will update after the ultrasound!

Take care

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

It was a nice quiet weekend, only the weather was snowed all weekend and much for spring! The Easter Bunny found us and the girls got tons of chocolate that I am sure I will devour before the week is out.


Friday was nice, so we finally got the girls out to the backyard...Leah loved the swing set!

God I love that face..I just want to smoosh it all day long!

I love this one too, but I don't think she would let me smoosh it all day long...

Hallie hates having her pic taken and I was trying to get her into the Easter spirit, she was not having it..Leah enjoyed the bunny ears more...

And no, that is not the only sleeper she owns, I just happen to take lots of pics when she is wearing it

Sat night we made a bunny cake, I decided this will be a new tradition as my Nana always made me one and she passed away last Dec, I will miss her bunny cake this year...I'm hoping she would approve of the one we made..Hallie wanted a blue bunny, but I think white would have been better, he did have a white marshmallow tail though

And finally Eater morning, this is all the loot the bunny left

Hallie has been wanting a scooter for a few months, damn thing is noisy wheeling across the hardwood is fun though..wheeee!

Leah got a sunhat from Nana Tain

She snuck one of Hallie's plastic eggs

We went to the in laws for Easter supper, where there was even more kids are definitely spoiled. I can not wait for next year, Leah will be almost 2 and I will have a baby, holidays are going to be so much fun!

Friday, April 10, 2009

*Good* Friday Cuteness VI

I can not believe I have not updated in a whole week.....shame on me *beats self*

I have just been so unbelievably tired, its hard work trying to get my body to keep up, especially with breastfeeding, my poor body has to provide nutrition for 3 beings..I only plan on nursing Leah until she is a year, so 3 more months to go..might be sooner as she bit (has 2 bottom teeth now) me yesterday and it hurt like a motherfucker!

Apart from being tired, I am always hungry..I would walk 10 miles if someone held out a pie in front of me! And this is the 1st pregnancy that I really have cravings, I woke up Wednesday needing a warm slice of homemade bread and butter, I had to go to the bakery up the road and get some. I actually have a craving for salad with ranch dressing and I am a vinaigrette kind of girl, so I've been pigging out on salad, I figure I can have as much of that as I want, its just lettuce.

Here is just a sample of what I crave daily
  • Cherry pie and vanilla ice cream
  • honey nut cheerios
  • fried pepperoni
  • steak and fried onions
  • alphagetti
  • iced coffees from Starbucks

Its going to be an interesting 9 months, I'm grateful Doug encourages me to eat what/when I want, so I do not get any grief from him even if I end up as big as Shamu the whale!

I've got a few pics to add, I was just going to make an Easter post with pics of the girls, but I always add pics on Friday so I'll keep with tradition!

This is what she has been trying to do all week!

Little stinker, look at that look on her face "hahaha mama, lookie what I can do"

This is not a real carrot, I had some bunny ears laying around somewhere I wish I had them for this pic!

She loves climbing on all of Hallie's stuffed animals. Leah has saved many of Hallie's toys from a certain fate (garbage) I was going to get rid of them, but Leah enjoys some of them, so they have a stay of execution..for now!

Hope everyone has a great long weekend and the Easter bunny brings you lots of chocolate!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Cuteness V

Happy Friday!

The last 2 nights I have dreamt that I had a little I am starting to panic! We were out last night and I was looking at baby girl clothes and I said to Doug it would be so strange to shop in the boys section...its like a foreign country to me, everything is a sea of blue! Another worry I have about a boy is it's... penis..I know about girl parts (obviously) but I would have to learn how to clean little boy parts, it just seems so more they really spray pee everywhere when you change them???

I was doing some reading on gender and we have a 46% chance of having a boy, if you already have 2 of the same gender, supposedly you have a higher chance having the same again, however I read that in general your odds of having a boy are higher anyway as there is something like 51 boys born to every 49 girls, boys are weaker and can die more easily apparently so its mother natures way of evening out the population. I am betting on another girl, I know of at least 2 families where they have 3 of the same gender! I think some people felt sorry for Doug after Leah was born " oh you poor man, 2 girls" Hallie does everything a boy does...she goes 4 wheeling, helps Doug in the garage, loves big trucks-he is so proud of her!

Here is a quick video of Leah doing her dancing..she is so cute..I really hope for another girl..they are so sweet- no offense to mothers with boys..but I have a little brother, I know what boys can be like, hahaha!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Oh and the next person that tells me they are tired, I am going to punch in the face! If you have a bed you can get into and sleep for 6-8 hours a night or you can nap at will- then you do not have a right to complain..I get about 2 hours sleep each night and I do not get naps in the day, the only rest I get in the day is when I go to the bathroom!

I am pregnant and tired and extremely volatile and no, I do not care about your tiredness!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I may be moving...

To another blog..apparantly folks are still not able to comment...and that makes me sad:(
I'm trying my best to sort out the problem as I really like my home here, so cross your fingers that I might get it to work in the next day or so..if not I will be packing up and finding another website!

I will let you all know!

Take care