Friday, June 26, 2009

So much, so little time....

*phew* time for myself!

Leah has morphed into a different kid over the last few weeks...ohhh, shes baaaaaad!

She has started taking steps, last night was the most she has taken and she took a tumble and hit her forehead on the hardwood floor..poor baby, she does seem a bit more cautious they say, one step foward, two steps back! I hope to get some video, but she just does it out of the blue

She has discovered that she can whine...along with the whining, she says "mum mum mum"... and when she needs my attention she has no patience, the whine is at full volume and it is so annoying...

She no longer likes to be constrained...she tries to get out of the carseat, high chair, crib, my arms...etc..

Throwing food has become #1 fun, its even funnier when the dog is waiting down below..the dog gets excited when I put her in her chair for a meal...he knows whats coming!

Her temper has begun...if I have something in my hand she wants, she will hit my hand and make this grunting sound...if I do not give said item to her...we have a meltdown

Hallie finished school this week, she goes in on Monday to get her report card..and its onto grade 2 we go...*sigh*

Doug finally got accepted into his course for aircraft engineer..I am so proud of him..looks like I will be packing 2 lunches come September...hope he likes bologna and cheesestrings..

I'm finally over the half way mark in my pregnancy, I still feel great and sometimes forget that I am pregnant, until the little one rolls around and I look in the mirror and see my belly..yep, there is a baby in there...

A few pics from the last few weeks....

This is what happens when you skip your afternoon nap...

You fall asleep eating your supper

Leah loves berries...

The water cooler is great entertainment

Doug turned 30 last week, so we had a little party for him...actually he had a party for himself. He bbq'd steaks and did the entertaining, I was on clean up and kid duty..


Next birthday is baby is turning 1 *cries*

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I hate Weekends...

As a stay at home mama, one would think all the days of the week were the same to me..but for some reason weekends and I do not get along...could be for a number of reasons:

  1. I like schedules..I am on a strict routine through the week starting with getting Hallie off to school and from there do mostly everything at the same time..breakfast, naps, lunch, snack, nap..etc..I hate the break in routine ( don't get me wrong though, I do like the break in making lunches and walking Hallie to the bus)

  2. Sometimes Doug is home on the weekend and he gets in my way...and its my way or the highway

  3. And finally, I do not get to sleep in on the weekends and it pisses me off

But I am bored, the weather is crappy and so I am updating my blog...

Doug and I played the name game again and he shot down a few of my suggestions, so we have a revised list...

Jade *new*

Michael (not Mike, and I am not sure if people would call him Michael or Mike)
Douglas Jr. (D.J)
Carter *new*
Corbin *new*

A few pics...

Leah enjoying her morning Tim' double double and jam timbit....

I told her she is too young to play with naked men...

I have this strange desire to purchase boy clothes, and in my dreams I have a baby boy, but Lindsay told me that you have the opposite sex of what you again, must be girl...but I even saw its twig and berries in my dream...must count for something! Because we are not going to find out the gender, I have been looking into old wives tales..and I asked my Dr about a few..such as the heart rate..

Over 140-girl
Under 140 boy

Not that I hold that true, as Leah was under 140 a few times..and my Dr told me that the babies heart rate as a sign of boy/girl is a crock of shit..she said that in her experience, mother's instinct is always when women think its a boy deep down, it usually is a my opinion, this is also a crock of shit, as I was hell bent that Hallie was a boy..I called the baby him and had the name Tyler picked out but when we found out the gender at the ultrasound this is how it went down

Tech: want to know the sex?
Me: Yes (but I knew already..boy)
Tech: lets see....a girl!
Me: What?
Tech: Your having a girl (shows me the girly bits)
Me: There must be a mistake, please check again
Tech: no mistake, a girl (proceeds to show me girly bits again..explaining things as if talking to a 5 year old in slow motion.."this.... is.... the... labia..etc"

So my Tyler became Hallie on that day...sorry Hallie

I've got to end here, Leah keeps turning the computer off..she likes to press the blue light

Have a great weekend...whats left of it...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet...

As Shakespeare once wrote..."what's in a name?"

I have names and hockey on the brain this week (and not much else) but really, 3rd time around is not so easy and I have to think of boy names this time (just in case)

We usually do not go by meaning of the name when picking..obviously, as I just looked up Hallie's and Leah's and they are not very..hmmm..what is the word I am looking for...not very pretty..


In English, the name Hallie means- cleaning of hay. The name Hallie orginated as an English name. The name Hallie is most often used as a girl name or female name.

She may clean up hay at some point in her life, but she cleans up nothing else.


In Israeli, the name Leah means- weary. The name Leah is most often used as a girl name or female name.

Weary. Exactly what she makes me.

So maybe we should look at meanings this time hahaha

So far this is what we, or should I say I have come up with (Doug only agrees/disagrees, he does not suggest)




Michael (not Mike, and I am not sure if people would call him Michael or Mike)
Douglas Jr. (D.J)

I'm sure once my mother reads this I will have her opinion on the matter. We use 2 middle names, one random and one family and we are keeping the family ones witheld until birth. I think we will pick 1 or 2 then wait and see the baby and decide or maybe pick a whole new name

Moving on....

Here is what I had in my bed this morning...I was invaded! I woke up to Hallie beside me and Doug was on the couch???

I gave Leah a makeover this morning...

And another snake lover in the making....

Have a great half week!