Saturday, January 17, 2009

Its just a boob folks...

I've recently decided that when I breastfeed in public I am not going to put a blanket over Leah's head anymore, she hates it. Seriously, women have been breastfeeding since the dinosaurs, we would have never made it out of the cave if not for women nursing their babies. I don't have issue with anyone *well, maybe not my dad* seeing my breasts, considering I went topless in the Dominican Republic. Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world and I hate feeling bad when I nurse in public, its like I need to apologize for doing it....not anymore... I'm going to do it out in the open and be proud, you can't really see anything anyways..

If people have a problem, they can put a blanket over their head, see how they like it!

Ok.Rant over

I am so proud of myself for breastfeeding for over six months, I remember thinking I would never get to six months. I set a goal for four months, that is how long I nursed Hallie before I weaned her off. My hope is to make it to eighteen months, I just love doing it and knowing that I am doing the best for Leah and there are no words to describe the bond it creates. They just did a study here in Nova Scotia, that only 17% women breastfeed beyond three months, that's horrible! Besides, I am lazy and nursing is so convenient..forget cleaning bottles, worrying about being out and heating a bottle, getting up in the middle of the night heating a bottle. Of course there are the inconveniences, like being the only one that can feed her, leaky boobs and I am battling a horrible sinus infection that I can't take anything for as it passes into breast milk, small sacrifices in the long run. I encourage any woman that can to breastfeed to try and stick with it!

Here is a few new pics of my sweet Leah... she makes my heart go pitter patter

I love this face!

"Mama, I'm still hungry"

Sitting on her own..*sniff*... less baby..

I think its time to get pregnant again.

Did I just type that?

My sanity should return shortly...

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