Friday, August 6, 2010

Fast like lightening...

You won't believe it....

I got a new computer...brand spankin new...

And this bitch is fast....

A honkin' biiiiiiiig screen...

I'm so excited, and I even got some photo editing software...

I'm trying to get all my media uploaded from the other 2 old hard drives that we were using and get those pics that I promised...

I also forgot to tell you, I got a new tattoo a few weeks ago...its for my dad..I will post a pic of that too...I love my tattoos...I have 3 now and plan to get at least 2-3 more..they all mean something special to me...

Have a great friday!


  1. Aww yay! That's great :) I need a new computer badly!

  2. Yay for a new computer! I know when I got ours last summer I was in heaven and still am!

    I'm excited to see your tattoo. I have 3 also! I would love to get more but don't know where I'd put them. I like getting mine where they can be hidden easily...

  3. Hey girly, I haven't gotten the package yet and just wanted you to know in case you needed to track it :) I've been watching daily for it, but so far, nothing.

    Hope you're doing okay, I'm still praying for you guys.
