Friday, July 30, 2010

Time, time, time, see what's become of me...

Holy shit...where the hell have I been?....

I've been here and there....I just got back from Maine...Doug and I took a mini break...away from the kids, away from my dad...

Taking care of my dad has become a full time job...he does not get out of bed much these days..he had another round of tests this week...the cancer has spread into his lungs and possibly his pelvic region...he got back from Florida last week (I know, I failed to update you all on so much) Him and my mom went to the Mayo clinic in Florida, to see if they can do anything for him there, treatment, care or drugs we can not receive here in Canada...his cancer has spread too far, it is now inoperable...his last option is to start chemo and hope that can give him a better quality of life, it may give him a few more is not a cure....

Goodness much has been happening...let me give a quick rundown..

  • Hallie got her hair cut short...I will post some pics on Sunday..
  • James is crawling...warp speed changed overnight for him...and me..
  • Leah turned on Sunday..

Well thats all the time I sure to come back on Sunday for some photos...


  1. Wow. You are dealing with so much. I can't imagine how difficult and time consuming it must be to be taking care of your sick father as well as your children. You are such a strong woman. I'm glad that you and your husband were able to take a little break and hopefully recoop.

  2. I almost peed my pants when I saw a post from you!!! I really hope all is well with you guys. I am so so sorry to hear about your dad; I've been there and through what you're feeling and it really sucks! Let me know if there's anything I can do.

    I cannot wait to see pics of those precious babies!Hope your mini vacation to Maine was great!
