This is my first video posting, so I will be crazy happy if it works and pissed if it does not. If not, please have some patience with me -I will get it....eventually.
Hope everyone had a great weekend! The weekend flies by for me, its the only two days I can sleep in and not have to deal with Hallie's morning bitchiness.
Leah goes to the blood specialist for the first time tommorow, and we will have the big blood test done to see if she has the disease. I assume you are all familiar with our condition (spherocytosis) so I won't get into what it is right or google it!!! Hallie also meets with the hematologist, and I am hoping that this appt will be her last for a very long while, she has been fine since her operation. Speaking of, I can not believe that it has almost been a year since she had her spleen removed, also it is close to a year for getting her ears pierced, and she still will not take the studs out, however, she picks out earrings to wear..
"Mama, these are so cute, I have to wear them..please, pretty please can you buy them"
And I do, and she does not wear them.
I'm sure she is afraid to take the other ones out, its not worth the effort for me to battle with her, she will want to change them soon * fingers crossed*
I'm waiting for that magical age or maybe not so magical-when she is going to want to look a certain way because other people look a certain way-seriously, right now she couldn't give a shit what she looks mornings are pure hell for me, she wants to wear the same thing over and over and hates having her hair brushed..ugh..its not pretty at the Mosher residence in the morning!
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