My cousin Amy (who is also my dearest friend and Hallie's Godmother) is currently serving in Afghanistan. Having a loved one overseas brings a whole new perspective to our Canadian troops being involved in the war. My heart stops everytime I read/watch that we lost another soldier, breathing again only when know that she is still alive and kicking. In our emails, she has told me of the horrors, women and children abused, etc...stuff that even she has a hard time dealing with. I asked her if I could send over some crayons and toys for the kiddies and some toliteries for the women, she told me that if the children are caught with American name brands, like crayola they could be murdered, my heart aches for those kids. I get angry when people say "..why are we there, who cares? Bring our soldiers home" In my opinion, if we do that, all those that lost their lives would have been in vain!

It is so that someday, those Afghan girls and boys with have the same freedom as my girls, and live as kids are meant to live! I thank her everyday for being there, and love her much more for putting her life at risk so that other people can have a better standard of living, I thank all our soldiers!
I love you girl, and pray for God to send you home safe and sound!
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