She wants me to put on some pics that she took and a little movie, since this is technically also her blog I told her I would publish them for her...

The girls had their specialist appts yesterday, and they did awesome. Leah had to have blood drawn from her arm, it was horrible! There is nothing worse than watching your baby scream in pain, it broke my heart. I knew she had to have it done but I still wanted to punch the nurse in the face. Hallie does not have to go back unless she gets ill, and Leah will go in six months. I'm not sure when I will get the results from her test, but she does not need to have her blood done unless I think something is wrong, she seems really sleepy or pale. We are pretty happy, Leah has only required 2 blood transfusions so far at 6months, Hallie by six months already had at least 5!
I'll leave it here, but before I go..here is Hallie's first little movie...enjoy!
It features Molly & Murray, they seem to be watching tv..
I love that Kid!
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