I am on a quest to get healthy..really healthy!
My current diet consists of handfuls of random food, Diet Pepsi and spoonfuls of baby food (organic green beans and lentils is a particular favorite)
Having a baby really sucks the life out of any real proper eating, if I can find the time to make the food, chances are I will not actually be sitting down and eating it until 3 hours later. On the plus side, I am slimmer and trimmer if somewhat a tad bitchier from lack of proper nutrition.
So..I've decided to get on some proper vitamins and see if I can get some energy back into this old body and I have determined to spend at least 30 mins on my Wii Fit...starting next week.
I'm going to go vitamin shopping tomorrow, I already take a prenatal and folic acid, so I am thinking maybe more vitamin C and a fish oil, my nanny Whare takes fish oil, or is it cod liver oil..fish is fish I guess. I wonder if they have anything to make me more pleasant and cheerful!
So, I will report back after a week to see if I am still a lazy bitch!
Or I can just screw the pills because looking at this pic will make anyone deliriously happy!

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