Could be the fact that since last April I have only gotten approx 4 hours a sleep a night, but I think its just the time of year, everything is so blah! I am debating calling the mother in law to take Leah for a day just so I can sleep, it would be heaven-a whole day with my bed and pillow! Linda, if you are reading this, call me!
My tiredness is starting to reflect in other things...I've resorted to cooking supper in the slow cooker, as I seem to have more energy in the morning and I'm half dead at 5 pm. I can dump all the shit in and just like magic, its done at supper time, I have chili in there right now-yummy with minimal effort! In the mornings, I put random months on Hallie's notes for school, this morning it was September 26..teacher probably thinks I smoke crack.
Its also the time of year that everyone takes trips to mexico, jamica, etc...I'm tired of hearing about peoples vacations..blah, blah...shut the #$@$ up!
I.Hate.Winter. Not because it is cold, I love the cold...I would be perfectly happy living in the north pole and freezing my ass off. I just hate all the associations that come with winter, slippery roads, runny noses..etc.. but especially the necessity for massive amounts of outer clothing.
Typical morning exchange
Me: "Hallie, get your snowpants"
Hallie: "where are they?"
*Find snowpants..*
Me: " Hallie, put on your boots"
Hallie: "I can't find them"
*Find Boots...*
Me: " Hallie, you need your hat, mitts, scarf"
Hallie: "I have my hat, scarf and mitts"
Me: " You have them all?"
Hallie: "yep"
*peeing my pants from happiness that I do not have to hunt for mitts*
Hallie: "Wait..I only have one mitt"
And finally, some new pics of Leah
Showing off her new diaper!

I love those chubby cheeks!

Enjoying a cracker
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