Doug decided to start redoing our bathroom the other night...he must have been still high of the laundry room reno and wanted to start the bathroom straight away...little did he know he would be going away for a week on we have our main bathroom torn apart and he is leaving me in 2 days...I'm not entirely thrilled about the he was up until 2am trying to get the walls finished...
Yesterday we also realized that the inspection in our car runs out tomorrow and so does the registration of our truck...I would like to know who the hell planned that fckery...Doug can't go away and leave me with illegal vehicles to drive...I live on a road that is constantly patrolled by the cops because people can't drive within the posted speed limit and a few years ago a kid got hit by a car..twice... so now they are always randomly doing radar and sticker now we need to figure out what to do...its not like I really drive anywhere anyways...but I know...sure as shit if I took the car to run out to the store for 5 minutes I would get caught...mind you...I would totally talk my way out of it...I learned from the mom has been pulled over for speeding at least 5 times...she gets out of it every time...I was with her on one of these occasions...we were driving in the states of all places...
Behold the master at work...
We pass the cop...he pulls a u turn..lights come on...we pull over...
State trooper "license and registration please...blah, you realize you were not obeying the speed limit?"
Mom " yeah I know...I am lost and I only sped up to see the sign better"
State trooper hands back her registration and stuff "ok...well don't speed in Connecticut anymore please...have a nice day"
I can't make this shit up...seriously...true story bro....
We are not going out for supper brother and aunt are coming over for cake and then the kids want to send off balloons with handmade letters attached to them...also..please don't send me an email stating that letting balloons go into the sky harms the environment...kills birds and could possibly take out a power grid...I know and I don't care...the kids want to send something to grandad in heaven...
With that...I am also thinking of making my blog private...just to people I know or those that read the blog and don't snark about it...I'm not sure how it works...I think I have to invite you if you click on my profile on the sidebar there will be a contact link...if you want to continue viewing this me...thing is I don't know if I need your email addresses or what...maybe the site picks up your IP...I also don't know if you need to put in some sort of access code every time you want to view the page...which I know would be a total pain in the ass...I will figure something out...
Before I go...
Happy Birthday Daddy...I love you....I hope you like the balloons...
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