I think its time for Hallie and I to have "the talk".....
She came to me a few days ago telling me her face was weird...I looked closely and sure enough I can see a few small whiteheads..and her face did seem to be more shiny...
Someone hold me...here comes puberty...
I explained to her that she is getting old enough to notice some changes in her body...she sees me naked enough to know what a woman's body looks like...I clued her into the fact that she may start growing hair where there wasn't any before...she may also find that her armpits might start to stink after gym class...the talk was going great until I mentioned the blood bit....I wanted to explain the whole monthly thing to her...I don't want her freaking out in the bathroom one day because she sees some blood where there wasn't any before...she knew a little about it already obviously...she seen me buy tampons and pads and of course asked what they were for...so I told her when that happens its not a big deal..she won't die etc...when it happens she is to come find me and I will show her how to deal...I can just imagine when the time comes and I show her a tampon she will freak out and say "you want me to put that where"?
Next time we are out shopping I will let her pick out some deodorant and face wash...it wouldn't be a bad idea for her to start cleansing her face every night with something gentle...I had horrible acne when I was 12 and 13...luckily proactiv is on the market now...if her breakouts get that bad I will buy her some of that...
As for the birds and bees...well I'm not ready to go there yet...professionals say that you need to tell your kids about sex as young as five...that is too young for me..I think ten is still a bit young...I'm fairly confident she won't be getting into that stuff for at least another 2 years when she hits junior high...she knows how babies are made..it takes a man and woman...yada...yada...
I will have to do this again in a few more years with Leah...I told Doug he was responsible for James...while I know how to handle a penis...I don't have one nor do I know all the logistics that goes into operating one...
Raining here today...I'm trying to keep the kids entertained since they can't go outside and burn their energy off...
Happy Saturday...
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