Last night supper was divine *cue angels singing*
All of us had 2 servings...and that is a rare thing in my house...
It was pot roast perfection...I have to share the recipe...if you have a slow cooker dust that bad boy off and use it...if you don't...get thee to a store and buy will thank me...
Its so easy...this is all you need...
2 cans of cream of mushroom soup *I used golden mushroom instead because we like the taste better*
1 package of onion soup mix or about 1oz of soup mix
Approx 2 cups of beef broth
1 roast
Put the roast in the slow cooker...I seared mine first in a pan just to seal the juices...but you don't have to
Dump the soup mixture in...take some beef broth and pour over it and add enough until it is almost covered...
Cook on low for 8 hours...
I served it with mashed herb potatoes and buttered carrots and can use the leftover soupy stuff in the crock pot as gravy...if its not thick enough just add a little flour until you get the consistency you want...
I just have to say...I've been watching too much TV...there seems to be just so many good shows on right now...last night I caught some of Dancing with the Stars...I was curious to see Chaz Bono dance...I think he did great...Doug told me that it wasn't hard to tell he used to be a woman...all he did was complain lol..we also caught the premieres of Revenge, Pan Am and The Playboy Club..they seem to be worth watching...I think this season of Survivor will be interesting...I've had a crush on Ozzy since his first time on the show...
I've been putting more thought into what I am gonna be for Halloween..since I will have to pack my costume I need something minimal..I finally decided on going as a 1950s housewife..I'm sure I can find a vintage dress somewhere and add an done in pin curls covered with a scarf...I wonder if I am missing anything..I will have to confer with my nanny...she will know...I bet she rocked the 50s housewife look...she probably looked something like this...
It is more fallish today...think I will make homemade mac and cheese for supper...the family better appreciate these meals made from scratch...tomorrow it could be fish sticks and tator tots...
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