Sunday, September 11, 2011

The eyes of a child...

I'm not one for going all political and religious...I don't subscribe to one political party or religion..and if I did...I would not likely broadcast my beliefs on a public medium such as this blog..

But once again I find myself stuck on the events of 9/ first I was appreciative of all the attention and media frenzy about the anniversary of the event..but now I'm getting sick of it.. because as always...they need to drag politics and religion into the fold...get over it...its not going to bring those people back...focus instead on how NYC picked itself back regular people became heroes that day and how we need to educate about 9/11 so that we will never "forget"... just like we should not forget what happened at Auschwitz or Hiroshima...Hallie has been asking me about 9/11...she was born only months after it happened...but she sees footage on TV and asks me questions...why did the planes fly into those buildings? I try my best to explain...she asks why anyone would want to do such a terrible thing...I tell her some people didn't like America because...because...why? I didn't could I explain this to a 9 year old...she doesn't know anything about Islam and Muslims...she doesn't know about Jihads and Al-Qaeda..she has no idea about hate...we taught her to love and respect everyone..regardless of skin color, religion...physical appearance or disability...but I had a hard time trying to explain that some humans carry so much hatred for another country that they wanted to take thousands of innocent people and blow them to kingdom come...its hard to have such a discussion without trying to scare her...telling her that those responsible for that day were insane and majority of the world doesn't participate in such behavior...I don't want her to grow up fearing Muslims because some wackos decided to commit terror in the name of their religion...but the more she witnessed...the pictures and footage...she began telling me that she wasn't going to go into any tall buildings anymore or want to take a trip by airplane..I told her not to be scared...that is what the bad guys want...if we are all scared...they win...if we are brave..they lose...

RIP to all those who perished...may you be in the arms of Angels....

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