I am suffering from a severe case of pregnesia..memory loss due to pregnancy. I've had it before, but this time around I am at a minimally functioning level, I am thankful I do not have to leave the house on a regular basis, fuck knows what would happen to me...Doug is getting me a white board this week so I can write down important things I do not want to forget...like the fact that I have kids to feed
Here is just a brief list of what I do daily
- forget various items of Hallie's Lunch
- shower and forget to wash my hair
- go upstairs and wonder why went upstairs/vice versa
- put fridge items in cupboards/vice versa
- go to the grocery store and come home with nothing I went for, usually list is lost
So not much has went on in the last 2 weeks, Doug went and came back from Ontario..Hallie got her report card (excellent) Leah now weighs 22 lbs and I've started watching this new show called United Stated Of Tara...HI-LARIOUS!
As for this week, I finally have my ultrasound on Tuesday, so hopefully I will get my due date..I'm so excited to see the little nugget!The weather has been nice so I have a few outdoor pics, we found a baby swing for Leah and she loves it, she just laughs and laughs!

I had to give Leah a bath in the sink while Doug was away, my back was really bothering me and I was not able to lean over the regular tub..I'm not sure she liked it, usually she loves her baths, she was just kind of meh over the whole thing...

I'm out, I will update after the ultrasound!
Take care
My doctor told me that 'baby brain' is NOT a normal part of pregnancy, like all my mom friends thought. It is from a lack of iron. Make sure you get yours checked! Being pregnant and nursing both requires loads of iron. Hope you feel great soon!
ReplyDeletethats weird, my dr told me to take some extra iron if I wanted..maybe I better get some!