Monday I woke up to heavy bleeding from my girly parts (in case its not obvious) I go to the hospital..blah, blah...everything is fine, I'm not really sure what happened, but I hope it does not happen again!!! We had our ultrasound on Tuesday, little nugget looks great and will be due on Nov 6, the day before Hallie's birthday, I'm hoping to go a week early though and I usually maybe a Halloween baby *boo*
Hallie got smashed in the face with a badminton racket on Monday so she has a black eye, I could not get a very good pic of it, but you can kinda see it here...

We had one really hot sunny day here, I threw the kids outside and took a few pics..Leah in her wagon
Hallie on her scooter
Leah climbs up on everything now and can stand for a few minutes by herself...after I took this pic she face planted into the side of the lawn chair, she is so clumsy..least if she is a slow learner in school I can blame it on all the head injuries she sustained as a baby, tough cookie though my girl is!
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