I have just been so unbelievably tired, its hard work trying to get my body to keep up, especially with breastfeeding, my poor body has to provide nutrition for 3 beings..I only plan on nursing Leah until she is a year, so 3 more months to go..might be sooner as she bit (has 2 bottom teeth now) me yesterday and it hurt like a motherfucker!
Apart from being tired, I am always hungry..I would walk 10 miles if someone held out a pie in front of me! And this is the 1st pregnancy that I really have cravings, I woke up Wednesday needing a warm slice of homemade bread and butter, I had to go to the bakery up the road and get some. I actually have a craving for salad with ranch dressing and I am a vinaigrette kind of girl, so I've been pigging out on salad, I figure I can have as much of that as I want, its just lettuce.
Here is just a sample of what I crave daily
- Cherry pie and vanilla ice cream
- honey nut cheerios
- fried pepperoni
- steak and fried onions
- alphagetti
- iced coffees from Starbucks
Its going to be an interesting 9 months, I'm grateful Doug encourages me to eat what/when I want, so I do not get any grief from him even if I end up as big as Shamu the whale!
I've got a few pics to add, I was just going to make an Easter post with pics of the girls, but I always add pics on Friday so I'll keep with tradition!
Little stinker, look at that look on her face "hahaha mama, lookie what I can do"
This is not a real carrot, I had some bunny ears laying around somewhere I wish I had them for this pic!

She loves climbing on all of Hallie's stuffed animals. Leah has saved many of Hallie's toys from a certain fate (garbage) I was going to get rid of them, but Leah enjoys some of them, so they have a stay of execution..for now!
Hope everyone has a great long weekend and the Easter bunny brings you lots of chocolate!
Darryl and I hope you all have a VERY HAPPY EASTER!!! We miss and love you guys.