Friday was nice, so we finally got the girls out to the backyard...Leah loved the swing set!

God I love that face..I just want to smoosh it all day long!
I love this one too, but I don't think she would let me smoosh it all day long...

Hallie hates having her pic taken and I was trying to get her into the Easter spirit, she was not having it..Leah enjoyed the bunny ears more...

And no, that is not the only sleeper she owns, I just happen to take lots of pics when she is wearing it
Sat night we made a bunny cake, I decided this will be a new tradition as my Nana always made me one and she passed away last Dec, I will miss her bunny cake this year...I'm hoping she would approve of the one we made..Hallie wanted a blue bunny, but I think white would have been better, he did have a white marshmallow tail though

And finally Eater morning, this is all the loot the bunny left

Hallie has been wanting a scooter for a few months, damn thing is noisy wheeling across the hardwood floors...it is fun though..wheeee!

Leah got a sunhat from Nana Tain
She snuck one of Hallie's plastic eggs
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