I missed 2 days of blogging because I was trapped in the laundry room...
When I first mentioned redoing the laundry room why didn't someone try to stop me...
The original plan was to stack the washer and dryer...and maybe paint the walls...that wasn't enough work for Doug..oh no...he says..."why don't we replace the floor"?
I will admit the old cushion floor had seen better days..it was 27 years old..and our neighbors gave us some new cushion floor they had leftover a few months ago from when they put new floor down...so I guess it made sense...we had new floor...why not?
So bright and early Saturday morning...we are moving out the appliances and tearing up the old floor...kids were okay with that..they loved that they could go in and beat the hell out of the floor and help daddy pull it up...but when it was time to paint...that set the kids off into a real frenzy...
I put some old clothes on them and Doug agreed that they could help paint...he would do the trim and they could go at the walls with just a paint brush...I put a little paint in a smaller container for them..they would put the whole brush in...and their hands..it was everywhere...no biggie...they were having fun...painting themselves, Doug and each other...until the little buggers decided they didn't want to paint the laundry room walls anymore so they abandoned the job with bigger aspirations in mind...they tracked paint all down the hallway and into the kitchen...they hand painted the hardwood floor in the kitchen...Doug and I were bickering over shelf placement when they escaped...I knew they left the room and they did leave the paint brushes behind so I didn't think anything of it...what I failed to remember is that they had paint on their hands and feet...holy canolli what a mess...luckily the paint wiped right up...Doug waited until they were in bed and he put a second coat on the walls..
Sunday we put the floor down...we then realized that because of hose and vent placements we wouldn't be able to stack the washer and dryer so they are back where they were and I still have no extra space..honestly I just wanted more room to hide my piles of laundry...with my current system..I take the clothes out of the dryer and pile them on my bed to fold at some point...this never usually happen and I end up putting the clothes back in the dryer..well because we like to sleep in our bed without laundry...but the funny thing is...Doug gets worked up and complains when the clothes are on the bed when he wants to go to sleep...really...it would take him less time to actually fold and put the clothes away than it does for him to bitch and moan about it...regardless...the room needed a makeover and I'm glad its done...
Doug wants to do the bathroom next...
The weather had been crazy here the last few days...it was hot yesterday...I had taken a pot roast out to cook for Sunday supper but the heat was unbearable...its in the slow cooker right now..its still a warm day but I have to cook it today...its supposed to be fall weather...I am getting anxious to cook stews and chili...it doesn't feel right when it feels like summer...
No big plans this week....we are having friends over for supper on Thursday so I am trying to figure out what to cook...I made Doug text buddy to see what he and his girlfriend like to eat or if they had any food restrictions...or if they ate food in general...its hard to cook for other people in this age of food fads...there is always someone with a food issue...when Doug and I were planning a party for his graduation and inviting his class and their significant others..I had a few of these...
"I'm vegan"
"I can't eat gluten" *yes, I am aware that is a medical issue*
"I'm vegetarian...but I only eat chicken or fish"
"I don't eat dairy"
"My girlfriend doesn't eat carbs"
"I only eat fair trade chocolate"
Well fine...how about I serve air and water...
Seriously y'all....there are starving countries in this world and you are worried that the egg you are about to eat may or may not have popped out of a free range hen that was only hand fed with green grains or some shit...first world problems *shakes my head*
Part of me wants to have one of these meat haters over and serve them something I tell them is meat free..but its really not..then after they gobble it all down in satisfaction..I will be like ha..I just PUNK'D yo vegan ass...
I hate vegans...I was once in the drugstore browsing makeup and a lady asked the sales person if they carried vegan makeup and nail polish...WTF...does she eat her makeup? I seriously wanted to punch her in the face...maybe that was harsh...I don't hate vegans and I applaud anyone that can change their eating habits in a way that has minimal impact on the environment and animals...I went through that phase once...but some people just take it too damn far...its the crunchy hippy patchouli loving ones that think we are all capital murderers because we eat meat...HELLO...you wouldn't be here today if our caveman ancestors didn't go out and hunt and kill...imagine those cavemen sitting around a fire...grunting or whatever...and one says "I think I will become a vegan" another caveman turns to the others and says "you hold him down and I will beat him with this club"
I thank those goons...and the woolly mammoths...I bet they were tasty!
I love bacon and steak...and I'm not ashamed to admit it...those that don't like it can go suck on a sewer pipe..and my roast that's cooking now smells so delicious....meat meat meat...glorious meat!
Wow..how did I get from discussing the laundry room to meat...