Where's Leah?
Can you spot her amongst the mess.....

Here she is!
Her new thing has been to take all the toys out of the toy box, which she does anyways..but then she puts herself in...
New photo of James....
Not much has been going on in our household since my last update...I missed a visit from my dearest friend/cousin Amy...I was laying down with Leah and she stopped by...so girl, if your reading this..stop in again..and we really must get out and do something..movie, starbucks..etc...I am so happy you are home *hugs*
Doug only has 2 months left of school, I can't really believe how fast time has gone...it really only seems like yesterday he was going off for his first day...I know I sound like a broken record, but I am so proud of him, and I am so lucky to have him as my husband, he is an excellent and devoted father...I will be front row and center cheering him on when he gets his diploma!
And with Doug's school year winding to a close, also means the end of grade 2 for Hallie...I am seriously considering homeschooling her next year...maybe just for a year...I think it would be a wonderful learning experience for her, sort of school outside the box..Doug is not too keen on the idea, he thinks she will miss out on the socialising aspect and turn into an anti-social freak!
The weather has been so lovely here the past few days, I've not turned the dryer on in about 4 days...I got a lot of outside work done..I'm getting ready to set up my garden, just waiting on the load of manure to spread on it...what a shitty job that will be..hahaha get it, manure..shitty job...I purchased a set of wind chimes to put alongside the bird bath ...I may have to move them closer to my bedroom window, I want to be able to hear them when I am falling asleep..I now have husband and wife ducks at my bird feeders, I've named them Oscar and Lucinda..I'll be keeping my eye out for the baby ducks..so cute!
Have a great week all...
OMG Amanda the where's Leah photos are too funny. She sure is a busy little girl...don't know how you keep up.