I've always been big fan of the environment...I take composting and recycling very seriously...but its starting to go beyond that...I've switched to cloth diapers and looking for more ways to be a "sustainable" mama...all of my kids have skin sensitivities...so I have to use unscented laundry detergent, however, I was using the baby Purex with James and now he is starting to show a reaction, so I guess its using Tide Free for all of them...we already use an all natural organic bubble bath and baby wash....in the last few days I have been rethinking their diet...and while they eat a ton of fruit and veggies, they also eat a lot of processed foods, like Hallie takes her lunch meat and snacks..etc..I want to try to cut back on all of that...I'm hoping to load the garden up on all kinds of veggies, like zucchini and squash...and try to eat as "raw" as we can this summer...we don't eat a ton of red meat, maybe like 2-3x a month..but its mostly chicken and fish...I would like to avoid meat totally, because of the hormones etc..but its not realistic...on the subject of chickens, I am trying to convince Doug to build me a chicken/hen coop, so I can have my own fresh eggs every morning, I currently only buy free run eggs and they are way more expensive...I guess, what I am trying to do is raise my kids in the healthiest way possible, trying to avoid harming the environment and loading them up with chemicals...
So, stepping off my pedestal now....I've hired Candace (the neighbor kid) to be my mommy's helper...she comes over for a few hours after school to help with the little punks, it allows me to to do the laundry, prepare supper etc....she took her babysitting course a few weeks ago and was so proud that she made up these little cards and brought one over, I hired her right on the spot...she was so excited, she is only 11 and really great with the kids, I'm lucky to have her...
The weather has been fabulous here....yesterday I put James in his mei tai and we went outside, I pushed Leah around in her wagon and we went on the swings..and it was just nice to wander around the yard and look at nature, see the bugs and birds..Leah loves the outdoors...
A few pics....
Diapers hanging out to dry...the sun really is the best stain remover....

All those branches are what fell when we had the last hurricane roll through here...Doug is piling them up and I'm not sure what he plans to do with them....
James just a swinging....this is Leah's swing, so we need to get another, but the problem is we don't have any space on the swing set for another baby swing...

Leah helped me make supper for Sunday night, I made Chinese pepper steak in the slow cooker...Leah pretty much did everything except brown the meat and cut the veggies...we served it with rice..it doesn't look the yummiest, but it is good...

Leah's new thing has been to put her hands in her pockets, she will walk around like this..its too funny!

Doug finally got our outdoors jacuzzi/hot tub working last night...so looking forward to climbing in at the end of the day!
Hallie gets her report card this week..ugh...what it says will probably decide if she gets home schooled next year or not...Hallie is an unique and gifted child and I am just worried the regular school system is doing more harm than good for her...I'll save Hallie for another post...
Gotta run, the masses are hungry...
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