First off...
Dear Gerber...I'm not sure who or what your *fit* models are but having my 6 month old fit perfect in your 24 month sized onesie seems a tad ridiculous...I know he is a little plump..but still...
Dear Pampers....your new dry max diapers...they are the suck...
I have been using a few disposables with James as he is teething and had a bad rash there for a bit, cloth diaper manufacturers recommend not using creams as it affects the absorbency and fibers in the cloth diapers, but yeah..the new pampers...not impressed...and their supposed sensitive fragrance free wipes, well they smell...I see a phone call to Proctor and Gamble in my plans for today...
Moving on....
Its been so long since I updated...I'm trying to remember all that is/has been going on...
Oh yes...Hallie got her report was very good...I'm not sure if you all know that she is in resource 2x a week for reading and writing...which I think is a load of shit, she reads books that are at a grade 5 level...and you should read the stuff this kid writes, it is makes me I am not sure *why* she needs resource...but she likes it... so she stays...I am still seriously considering home schooling her next year, I know it would be a ton of work for me, especially with Leah and James at home, but its not like I need to follow a strict daily schedule..home schooling is very flexible, and with my background in education, I should have an advantage...anyhoo, the teacher also told me that Hallie is not a "deep thinker" OK...she is fucking deep should she think? She wrote something the other day, I can not seem to find it amongst the rubble, but the teacher read it to me on parent/teacher night..and she went on and on about how Hallie had such a great imagination..blah, blah...and she can write better stories than some in higher how the hell is that not deep thinking? When I find that story, I will share it with you all...
Oh yes, I awoke one morning last week to tons of porn on my computer..all the desktop icons were breasts and was mildly amusing until I realized some virus had wiped out most of our C drive...I'm not totally sure Doug does not watch porn on the computer, and I really could less if he did or not...I do have certain measures on the computer to keep Hallie from viewing the after I got it somewhat fixed, I was hesitant to let her on...I just warned her that if men or woman came on the computer screen undressed or partially unclothed doing weird things to each other or with fruit, just get off the computer and come find me...we reinstalled Norton and it is still acting funny, so we ordered a new computer last night..will be here in 10 days..woo hoo!
My little man is 6 months old today, and I don't have him here to take some pics...he is still with Nana and Papa...I do hope he comes home soon..I am having serious James withdrawal...
Leah was the 1st one to get sick, she had a fever of 105 when we took her to the emergency, since there was nothing outwardly wrong with her, they assumed bladder we stuck a little bag on her and waited to pee...nothing...we gave her popsicles and juice, we begged and after 4 hours we left..with the conclusion that I would leave the bag on her and when she peed we would take it to the lab for testing...well she did pee like 8 HOURS LATER OMG...and it was Friday, I get a high fever, vomiting...thanks Leah...and Friday night Leah gets really croupy so we take her to a walk in clinic where they gave her a dose of steroids...and today we all seem to be on the mend...
I think that's about all that has been going on with us....
My next entry will have some new pics....
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