Not too much has been going on...Hallie's school year is winding to a close and I am all to happy to give up making lunches and keeping track of gym and library days..blissful two months!
My due date got changed to Nov 5..only a day but when you hit 39 weeks, that 1 day makes a big Dr is confident that I will actually give birth in I've gone a week early with all my we will see
I'm in the early planning stages of Leah's 1st Bday...July 5th! Many thanks to Jenn for the ladybug banner, it it perfect! I'm hoping the weather is nice so we can have a BBQ..fingers crossed!
Speaking of nice weather, last week we had one really hot day..I dug out a little kiddie pool for Leah to splash in, she loved it! The weather has been shitty ever since...

My foot in this shot, it looks really is not...but I do need a pedicure

Just a cute pic I took of Leah...I love how she closes her eyes when she smiles..I noticed that her eyes are changing color, they seem to be turning grey??

This is a new way to drink out of a sippy cup...whatever works!
And this is why I love having girls....sisterly love...
I hope they have a close relationship, I am so excited to watch them grow up together
Have a great weekend, Hallie's school fair is tommorow and the 1st game of the Stanley Cup playoffs is tommorow night- GO PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this is my favorite video :) I am also glad you like the ladybug banner...just wish we were going to be home for her party. I am sure you will take lots of pictures though so I will be looking forward to seeing those.