Every time I talk with my mother its the same old question...
"Is Leah sleeping through the night?"
Do I look like I sleep through the night, yes, these bags under my eyes are natural
I was chatting with a fellow mama in the pharmacy the other day (lines, sheesh) and she asked me the same question, which I answered and then she asked...
"Have you trained her?"
I really did not know what to say, I have read about sleep training, but it does not go with my parenting style. Leah is a baby, I think at her age I'm here to cater to her needs, not her to mine..there will be lots of time for "training" when she is older. And do not even get me started on crying it out- a method other mama's recommend-anyone who can listen to their baby scream, gag and blow snot in their crib is very tough..I'm not one of those either. That does not mean I am not envious of those that get their babies to sleep through the night, I would love to sleep all night, but its not important to me..the happiness and contentment of my baby is my number one priority!
See how chill she is...Does she look trained to you?

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