Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm not much into Jesus, but I dig his music...

I'm not a religious person, if I did have a religion it would probably be Judaism..However I am very spiritual, and I have my own way of doing things...I lean towards more pagan beliefs, such as power in nature and the changing of the seasons..etc...I could be a Jewish Pagan! Now that I am thinking about it, when I had my past lives examined last year, she told me I may have been a Druid priestess, so that might explain some bizarre behaviors!

Anyhoo, I was recommended the CD Praise Baby by another mama. When she told me it was religious music I was a bit apprehensive and thinking how would I convince Doug to take me to a Christian music store! But since I've been listening to Raffi and Anne Murray's Hippo in my bathtub daily for the last 6 months-maybe it was time for a break, I decided to go out and get the CD and I am so happy that I did!

Yes, it is religious and Jesus and God are mentioned a whole lot, but it has something about it, I think it is because children sing and it is very calming, Leah loves it and I now find myself singing along..will it make me go to church? Not a snowballs chance in hell!

I just want to shout out to Amy if she is reading this, Hallie got her postcard from Australia and she was so happy...you could not have picked out a more perfect card for her, a snake wrapped around Bindi, she loves it, she says it was very thoughtful and sends her thanks!

I did manage a daylight pic of our new tv..please ignore the dust, dirt and clutter..

My secret is out...I watch the Teletubbies!

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