I will admit that he looks really young here, but he is almost 22...only 9 years in difference!
I am I too old to have celeb crushes? Probably, its okay to act like a teenage girl once in awhile.. right ladies?
Thought I would use this blog to send out a few updates....
Hallie is doing great in school, she gets lots of stickers on her homework and tests, so I assume that is a good thing! I took her to get her hair cut last Tuesday at a place called Beaners, it is quite the place, where the hell was it when I was a child?? The chairs for the Kiddies to sit in were like those rides you find at the mall, Hallie picked Nemo...I personally would have chosen the motorbike..hehehe! They do all kinds of extras like color braids, beads..etc..not for free though, I'm sure they make all their money in up selling, every little girl wants a pink/purple braid in their hair...except Hallie! She told the stylist.."all I want is a little trim please" OMG!
Leah is growing like crazy....we are almost crawling..which means I have to start picking up stray shit that ends up all over the floor, fun times ahead I'm sure! I told Doug we will need to learn the Heimlich maneuver, but I don't seem to recall Hallie choking on anything??

She is rocking her new shades..
Doug is still Doug...he is gone today on a 4 wheeler rally somewhere...but he is doing great..lots of stuff to do around the house to keep him busy..I try not to bitch at him too much!
As for me...
My rheumatoid arthritis (I was diagnosed with last summer) has the occasional flare ups, but honestly, I have been feeling great (tired, but great) the past few weeks, I'm on a new medication and that seems to help..but when the days are bad..they are really bad..it sucks! So my New Years resolution has been shot..as I've been online shopping like a mad woman..I have recently become a soap and lip balm whore, also purchasing bows and headbands for Leah, I'm tired of people telling me how cute "he is" even when wearing full on pink??? I posted a few weeks back about vitamins, well I can't take them because I am breastfeeding...but I can take narcotic pain drugs..which I might proudly add, that I have not taken any since Jan 25!
That pretty much sums up the Moshers in the past few weeks!
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