Yep, that's me....
I get a few minutes to blog so I grab my diet Pepsi and sit at the computer...nothing...I have nothing to blog about....James is on his play mat gibbering and cooing and I'm here beating my head against the desk...its like James is talking to me "there must be something you can write about mama"...
Yes my son, I'm sure there is....
I've been thinking, is my life really that interesting, that other people want to take time out of their busy lives to visit my little corner on the Internet...I know members of my family pop on here for pictures of the kids and only the kids... they likely don't give a rats ass what I type, Hell they probably don't even read it...yep, those are the pics only relatives...or some who stumble here by accident...never to return again..yep, those are the hit and run readers...
However, the fact that total strangers visit my blog...well it both terrifies and flatters me...
So that is why it pisses me off when I have nothing exciting to blog about....I never know who could be dropping by....
Come back tomorrow, I'm putting photos of the kids on!
i know what you can write about.....all the minutes you spend on the exercise machines!!..that will get the brain working...love mom
ReplyDeleteI'm not gonna lie I do LOVE seeing updated photos of the little munchkins...makes me feel like I am not missing out on every moment of their lives, but I do rather enjoy what you have to say as well. I check in every day to see what is happening in Mosher land and will continue to do so until the link doesn't work lol. Keep those blogs comming...pictures or no pictures!