I have bird feeders set up in the backyard..I get all the usual birds, squirrels and the odd pheasant or duck...but this morning...I had a deer!
I have seen the tracks in the yard over the last few days, and we had 4 across the road last night, but this is the first time I have seen one at my bird feeder...I did fill them up yesterday and left tons of seed and cracked corn on the ground...
I manged to get 2 quick videos....
And him/her bolting across the road in front of the house....
I wish Hallie had been home, she would have been so excited....I texted Doug and he said that he thinks they were there before and will most likely be back...
This is exactly why I love country livin'.....
My last post went totally wonky....I wanted to explain my dislike for bingo...
First off, I hate numbers...all those numbers on the cards..does my head in...second, I like to daydream...so of course, I zone out and miss all the numbers, pisses my mom off...and third, when the whole thing is over and I have not won anything, I think of what I could have spent that money on....yep, me and bingo is a bad combination...
Anyhoo, just thought I would share my woodland friends with you all....James is sleeping, Leah is destroying the house and I've got bread processing upstairs...
Oh, and I did win the auction....I can't wait for the endless hours of Tinky Winky, La La, Po and I forget the other one, the green one...oh Dispy...how could I forget him...
Dave...I told you the Saints would win....
Happy Monday all....
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