I just finished watching the Canada VS Slovakia hockey game...one helluva game, I thought I was going to throw up in the final minutes, but my boys came through...they play the US on Sunday for gold....GO CANADA...wipe the floor with those Americans...I KID (I love you Americans, you make all the products that I love)
Leah update....after I posted that she was started on penicillin for her infection...I went to change her and noticed a rash on her torso...put a call in to the pharmacy, yep she was allergic...so I had to call the Dr and get another 'script called in..fever finally broke this morning and she seems to be tolerating the new medicine so far...
My iTunes album download of the week is Adam Lambert...He's hot. Gay or not. It's plain and honest, he is sexy and that's all there is to it, really...I wish he was entertaining me...
I took the plunge and purchased cloth diapers for Leah and James...I went with the BumGenius 3.0....they are a pocket diaper and they fit up to 35lbS so they will grow with James and Leah, I got a some in pink, green, orange and blue...Leah is modelling one in the photo below... I plan to rigorously potty train her this summer...I bought a tons of babylegs from etsy ..they are great for quick diaper changes and oh so cute! Its been faboo not having a stinky bags of diapers laying around until garbage day, and mother earth will love me...

I've uploaded a few videos, mostly just of Leah and James, amusing to me but probably boring for anyone else....
James doing tummy time...
Leah being silly, but its cute....
Leah and James....
I sometimes forget that I have another, older kid (not really)...Hallie just does her own thing and is very cautious when I go around with the camera, she knows where it will end up...on the web for all to see...I totally can't believe that my first born will be 9 this year..I feel so old...
I'm experiencing a blog FAIL at the moment, for some reason the page is going all wonky, with huge gaps of space...I could fill the gaps with words, but I'm not....
Have a fantastic Saturday!