I cloth diapered Leah for the 1st six months..until she grew out of them and I could not afford to replace them..I bought cheap cloth ones for her, and they leaked everywhere, I am not dealing with leaky diapers this time around..I either purchase good ones or nothing..
See, real quality cloth diapers cost a lot of money..to get a good stash built up (meaning not having to wash every day) would cost about $500...Granted, that's for the expensive ones, AIO..which means that the diapers do not need a waterproof cover, so basically the same as a disposable but not...
Money is going to be really tight come September, and not having to buy diapers every week would be ideal, but getting the money together to buy them is not going to happen..so I am not sure what to do...I can buy a few at a time here and there...but then there is the other problem...
My husband...
He will not use cloth..he will take a cloth one off, but replace it with a disposable...I had to have some on hand for him *loser* Seriously though, its really no different engineering wise...put on baby, velcro close...
So, I am thinking if I am not going to get the support why bother? I was the only one changing Leah so it did not bother me, I used them and washed them..but with Leah still in diapers and a newborn..changing babies will take up a lot of my day...and if Doug will not get on board it might be too much of a hassle..but I really want to try, if not to save money, at least keep a few diapers out of the landfill..
I'll let you know what I decide...
Have a great weekend...it is hot as hell here and I am dying with this heat...next time I get knocked up, I will plan it so that my months 8 & 9 will be sometime in Dec, Jan, Feb or March...
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