Hallie and Candace were playing dress up grannies tonight....they were hilarious!
I do have longer video, but I really do not feel comfortable posting other people's children on the internet...
Leah enjoying a timbit!
This is the last week Hallie is home on summer vacation, so I am trying to get everything done...school clothes, lunch items, Dr/Dentist appointments....
But I do love September, getting back into routine, the cooler weather...baby is coming soon! I am going to ask to be induced the last week of October, hopefully on a Friday as Doug can not miss too much school, and fingers crossed this baby will not have a long NICU stay and we can come home asap, I really do not want to miss the girls and Halloween!
Wishing you all a great week!
OMG these pictures crack me up...thanks for posting them I needed a good laugh. Give those two adorable nieces of mine a big hug and kiss.