I hate Mondays...which is strange, because you know, its not like I "work" any day of the week..so Mondays are essentially just the same as every other day for me...but I don't know..maybe its just hardwired in humans to despise the first day after the weekend...
It was a blah weekend too...I spent most of yesterday watching TV,working a crossword and kicking ass at online backgammon...Doug was home so he took the kids outside..I parked my fat arse on the couch and watched marathons of The Girls Next Door...for those lucky enough not to know what the show is about, its a reality show on the daily life of Hugh Hefner's granddaughters girlfriends....this dude is in his 80s and his three girlfriends are under the age of 25...these girls look like they just walked off the set of the latest Panty Raid movie...blond and plastic...they do nothing, but Hef pays them a grand a week for whatever...Christ, I would even give old Hugh a good pounding once in awhile for all the perks these bimbos get...but seriously, watch this show...Hef spends all day in these silk pajamas...I get it, when he was younger he rocked the silk pajamas...but that was the whole point of playboy...he had the women, he wore pajamas, he was the ultimate playboy...now at his age, it just looks like he is shuffling about the old folks home...making his way to the games room for a round of gin rummy...I wonder what Hugh's grown daughter thinks of her father...if I seen my 80 something father grinding on a 20 something blond..he would be shipped off to a home real quick...
This weekend I also colored my hair and gave myself a facial...I've got a big night out on Friday...its my future sister in law's stagette party...a limo will be picking me up, we are going to supper...then someplace else, then a bar...I don't want to share too much in case she is reading this *waves* and its supposed to be a surprise...but really, my mission of the night is to get carded...here in Canada, drinking age is 19...but they legally have to ID anyone who looks under 30...since, I *ahem* am over 30..I would seriously pee my pants if anyone mistook me as under 30...so I have my little black dress, sexy stilettos...which I can wear as I will be chauffeured all night..I just need to get a blowout, get my eyebrows waxed and get a spray tan...hell yeah I'm going all out...an opportunity such as this only happens every few years for me...
The kidlets are great...summer is winding down...hoping to get away to the US for a few days in September...I've been craving the Olive Garden for...well..since that last time I was there..a year ago...Olive Garden Lasagna is my favorite...last 2 times I've gone they were out of the friggin Lasagna...grrrr...come on...I drove 6 hours to eat there and they were out of my favorite...I'm calling ahead this time....
Wooo hooo! I better see pics from this weekend!