Well, well...I got my first hate mail *woot,woot* I feel so proud!
It went something along the lines of...that "I must not love my kids if I call them little monsters"...and something else about "using too much foul language when talking about mentioned children".....
1st off....
Do I love my kids? Does the Pope wear a funny hat?
I'm not even going to justify that question by getting into it...anyone who has read my blog for the last 2 years knows how much I love my kids..etc...
My blog is my medium...it is creative writing...I spend all day in conversation with my children...we discuss potty, Max and Ruby...Selena Gomez...when I sit at this computer, pull this page up and stare at the flashing cursor...this is my creative time, my turn for adult conversation...one sided...but still....
As for foul language...I don't swear in front of my children...well..except for a few occasions...
1) Dropping a large jar candle on my toes..."oh shit that hurt"
2) When sending sexy pics of myself to Doug on his phone, I accidentally sent them to my aunt..."oh fuck"
3) After slamming the door on a Jehovah Witness after he told me my whole family was going to hell if I don't read The Watchtower magazine..."asshole'
And anyone that knows Doug....his use and frequency of foul language would make even the most scurviest sailor blush...even with a father of colorful language...we have only caught Hallie cussing on one occasion...she was about 4...she was playing house with her ken and barbie dolls..and while we weren't paying close attention to what she was doing...we did overhear the following exchange...barbie in one hand...ken in the other...Barbie being waved around frantically..and Hallie yelling "get the fuck out".....like barbie was telling ken to get the eff out of her house...Doug and I just froze, looked at each other and burst out laughing...probably not the best reaction...but really, what the hell are you supposed to do...you know its wrong but you just can't help yourself....like rubbernecking a car crash....
So being the mother of the year that I am...I took Hallie aside and asked her what she said...she had no clue..convo went something like this...
Me: "that word you just used, that's the F word"
Hallie: "whats the F word?"
Me: "well, its a bad word"...
Hallie: "whats the F word"?
Hallie: "why is it bad"?
Hallie: "what is the F word?"
Hallie: "am I in trouble?"
Hallie: "whats the F word?"
Me...thinking to myself..this is requiring more effort than I thought, should have left it alone...
Me: "its a bad word that starts with the letter F...you said it a few minutes ago...I don't want you saying it again'
Hallie: "why?"
Me: "its a word that is not nice to say...only big people can say it...when you get older you can say it as much as you want"
Hallie "OK, I will say it when I am bigger"
Me "good idea"
Hallie "will I get in trouble if I say it when I am bigger?"
Me: "No, not when you are bigger"
Hallie: "good, I will say it all the time when I am bigger"
Me: *face palm*
The whole discussion was likely pointless...as I don't think she even knew what she said...but to this day...I have not heard her swear again in my presence...but really, I think the bigger issue at hand was why barbie wanted ken to "get the fuck out"?
I gotta run...the kids have chewed through their straps...