The kids came back from Doug's parents on Sunday with the sniffles...
Monday morning when I went to wake Hallie up for school, she told me she was feeling crappy and asked to stay home...I was a little reluctant as I was not feeling the best and did not want to deal with an extra child home..but I would deal and told her to go back to sleep...
Later that day...all of us were in the basement...the kids were watching cartoon and I was on the thing I knew...I woke up on the floor and Hallie was over me crying, telling me that daddy had called 911 and an ambulance was on the way...few minutes later I heard the paramedics come in the front door...somehow I blacked out and fell on the floor...
Hallie, bless her...kept calm and called Doug on his cell phone and told him that mommy fell on the floor and won't wake up...Doug immediately called 911 and sent them to the house, he left school asap...
The paramedics hooked my up to a heart monitor, they told me my heart rate was fast, and they took my blood sugar and it was low, I also had no color in my face at all...I don't know what happened..
A few minutes later Doug and my mother came through the door scared shitless...
I got something to eat and the paramedics could not find anything wrong with could have been my blood sugar and stress of the surgery with the anesthesia still in my system..
But thank heavens Hallie was there...I can't imagine what would have happened if she was not there...Leah and James would have been alone, it only takes them a few minutes to get into trouble, not to mention how scared they would have been not to be able to wake mommy up...Since Hallie was old enough I taught her about 911 and to memorize Doug's cell phone number, just in case something like that ever happened...I'm so proud of her, she was crying when I woke up, but she doesn't know how long I was out for, I am thinking probably at least 5 minutes...Leah keeps telling me that I fell out of the computer chair and that she was scared...
I'm just so thankful this story had a happy ending...
So please all you parents reading this...tell your kids what to do in an emergency, make sure they know the phone numbers and how to use a phone to call for help...
I miss your post and hope you and the kiddos are well!