Palliative care came over...the Dr told us it would be hours to days...this was a few days I would expect him to pass parents wedding anniversary and my closest friend's birthday...not a day we want him to die...but that's not up to us is it?
He has been made comfortable and unaware...he has had nothing to eat or drink in about 72 hours...
I just want to shout out to the Palliative Care team from the VG here in Halifax...they are wonderful compassionate people and also the metro VON...
My mother, brother and I went to pick out a urn for him yesterday, we decided on one he would like, I also got a heart necklace that will have his ashes in I can have him with me always and also a little keepsake urn for my house...he wanted his ashes buried with his parents on Prince Edward Island...we will sprinkle some of his ashes on my sister's grave and also on his lakefront property that he wanted to retire too...
I want to thank everyone for their prayers and kind means a lot...
This world was not deserving of such a kind, gentle honorable man...
Heaven will be getting a new angel soon....
Aww honey, my prayers are with you and your family. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to let me know.