James has a little tooth poking through, his bottom right...I don't think the other 2 got teeth until 7-8 months...so poor little guy was cutting a tooth and sick at the same time, its a wonder he was not super miserable...nope, he kept his cool and a smile the whole time....
These are the lawn chairs in my front yard...and why would I have lawn chairs out in the winter you may ask, well I hate to say, I took this pic 2 weeks ago...yep, we had a snow storm here in the 2nd last week of April...I had to dig out Hallie's winter snow gear and send her to school in her snowsuit..and like 2 days before that she was getting by with only a light jacket...I've said it before and I'll say it again...global warming..my ass!
So I mentioned that Doug was hanging the tv on the wall...well, it gets more complicated than that...I don't want any cords hanging down for little hands to pull on, and I am not entirely sure that having the tv hanging is a safe idea either...but the man assures me that it is not going to fall off...so he gets this idea to put our cable box in the ceiling....and run all the other wires through the wall....well, you can see for yourself.....
The picture above, is after he cut a hole in the perfectly good wall....he had to put a piece of gyp rock back in and plaster it...sand it down and it will have to be repainted...and as of this morning, it still looks like that, cords are sill hanging down and I am getting irritated....
And big news of the week....
James is eating solid food....I decided to skip the rice cereal...well he only had it a handful of times, so I decided to mix the cereal with the vegetables and see what happens...he loves carrots and sweet potatoes..but hates peas...I thought everybody loved peas...they are so cute!
And James' 6 month chair pic...not sideways...they weighed him at the hospital last week and he was 19lbs...wowza!
Big sis wanted her photo taken too....

And yesterday I had the most frightening incident....Leah was napping on the couch and all of a sudden she started crying...ok..bad dream right...NOPE...she lifted her head up and blood was pouring out of her mouth...she bit the inside of her lip while sleeping...took quite a few minutes to get to stop bleeding...it was scary...
I just have to comment on the hockey game yesterday...I did not take the Pens loss too bad...the last 2 playoff seasons I was pregnant...so it was difficult for me to get all worked up...but this season I behave like a crazy person...I do love the playoffs, and while my team did not win the game, it was exciting to watch...I was on the edge of my seat the whole time...
Hope your all having a groovy Monday....
My apologies for my husband getting your husband a good deal on the wall mount for your tv lol...I hope that it all gets put back together soon. Love the new pics of James and Leah...they are still as cute as ever. Can't wait to see them and you in July.
GO HABS GO!! hehe
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