Ok. This is really making me angry...I took James' 4 month picture and when I tried to post it on here, it went sideways...well, it is doing the same thing with his 5 month picture...WTF? I keep deleting and uploading and its still sideways....sorry, folks...your gonna have to strain your neck...I'm contacting Blogger Administration to see what the deal is....I take the picture the same as all the others...its a bit creepy if you ask me...

I can't take his pictire in the pack and play anymore, he is too long..
Here he is...such a big boy....

And one more...I can't resist....its the dimples....

I blogged about Leah's allergic reaction she had while we were in Ontario....well I took her to her pediatrician yesterday...Dr.D is assuming its likely a shellfish allergy, but she will need to be seen by an Allergist for proper testing...in the meantime, we are to avoid shellfish and I had to pick up an Epi pen just in case....
In case you all forgot...I do have an older child named Hallie....she is getting excited for the Easter Bunny and has him confused with Santa Claus..."no honey, he does not bring a shitload of toys"...Leah is not quite sure about Easter, but she knows it involves chocolates and she is fine with that...
When I'm not hunting for clothes at thrift stores, I check out the books...I found this one...

I'm not poking fun at divorce, as I myself am a child of it...but I just wish there were books like this 15 years ago when I was trying to deal with it...I wanted to read it just to see how they explain it, Hallie has seen it and I reassured her I was not throwing her father out...
Take care...
There are so many book for children today to help them understand all kinds of situations. At work we have an entire activity box dedicated to helping children deal with divorce and separation, another on sibling rivalry, grief and even one on building self-esteem. If there are any situation that come up that you need some children's books to help the little one's out I can probably come up with some titles for you.
Also, I love the monthly pics of James...he looks like such a little man in the sitting up one. Love how his little hand is on the arm of the chair...it has become my desktop photo:)