Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Out like a lamb....

We have come to the end of March....

Ok. This is really making me angry...I took James' 4 month picture and when I tried to post it on here, it went sideways...well, it is doing the same thing with his 5 month picture...WTF? I keep deleting and uploading and its still sideways....sorry, folks...your gonna have to strain your neck...I'm contacting Blogger Administration to see what the deal is....I take the picture the same as all the others...its a bit creepy if you ask me...

I can't take his pictire in the pack and play anymore, he is too long..

Here he is...such a big boy....

And one more...I can't resist....its the dimples....

I blogged about Leah's allergic reaction she had while we were in Ontario....well I took her to her pediatrician yesterday...Dr.D is assuming its likely a shellfish allergy, but she will need to be seen by an Allergist for proper testing...in the meantime, we are to avoid shellfish and I had to pick up an Epi pen just in case....

In case you all forgot...I do have an older child named Hallie....she is getting excited for the Easter Bunny and has him confused with Santa Claus..."no honey, he does not bring a shitload of toys"...Leah is not quite sure about Easter, but she knows it involves chocolates and she is fine with that...

When I'm not hunting for clothes at thrift stores, I check out the books...I found this one...

I'm not poking fun at divorce, as I myself am a child of it...but I just wish there were books like this 15 years ago when I was trying to deal with it...I wanted to read it just to see how they explain it, Hallie has seen it and I reassured her I was not throwing her father out...
Take care...

Friday, March 26, 2010

March Madness...

So how was everyone's March break? Been to Jamaica, Mexico, Europe?...Piss off!

Just thought I'd do a catch up post...

We did get our washer and dryer, we bought them used but they still have some warranty on them..I love them...washing and drying in half the time...now, if only Maytag can invent a machine that folds the clothes...

I had fun on my trip hitting up the Value Village thrift stores for clothes for the little punks, I found this cute outfit for Leah, I'm thinking its Indian...

Too cute...I should find her some slippers to complete the outfit....
Now I'm craving chicken tikka...

James modelling the onesie my mama got in Jamaica, its the one and only time he will be wearing it as it was rather snug...

A pic of my smiling handsome boy...I must say I totally understand now the favoritism moms tend to show their sons, its not that I love him more than my girls, but its just a different feeling that I have...

I purchased this necklace off Etsy a few months back...it has the names of all my loves...Doug is in the heart of course, and Hallie was quite insulted that her name was in the shape of the triangle...I can't recall the name of the seller at the moment, but send me an email if you would like more info....I really think every mama should have one....After I purchased this one I came across another one, its of a birds nest, and there is little pearls that are supposed to be eggs, and you get however many eggs depending on how many kiddos you have...I might ask for that one for Mother's Day and alternate between the two...

I don't know why the picture turned out so shitty...

My little mad scientist...these are Hallie's 3D glasses...

I'm sure she will blow something up someday...

And onto big news....Doug applied to the military this week, and we are hoping that he gets accepted...with 3 kids, the health care alone would be worth it...
And bigger news....our closest friends...Dave and Brianne..had their baby girl yesterday...the 26th..Ava is her name and we just came from visiting her, she is super cute...and we took James with us, I dressed him up and told him to make a good impression as he might be meeting his future wife...they both share the 26th as a birthday...I take that as an sign...
Have a great week y'all...I am doing some spring cleaning and prepping for the arrival of the Easter bunny...
Oh...and I hope y'all will have your lights off tonight for Earth Hour...we have done it for the last few years...


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Family helltrip, er.. I mean roadtrip 2010-1st and last

I did plan this trip, I know I did not inform my readers of my upcoming adventure, it was just that I was so darn busy planning and packing I forgot to blog about it...

So, since we got close to $4500 back in income tax and Doug had a week off school, we decided to visit his brother and the wifey in St.Catherines....Ontario...when the man first approached me on this issue, I was not having it...think about it....long car ride, 2 kids under the age of two, 2 kids still in diapers...HELL NO-I was not even going to entertain the idea, so I suggested he go with Hallie..so then he came back with a counteroffer, we take his mom....well.....ok...with Linda and tons of dvds for the kiddies, the drive might not be so bad... but then what if we break down, what if there is a major snow storm....all that was popping into my head was "what if"...

So at 3am on Thursday March 11...we were off...getting the little punks up and ready that early was no picnic..I wanted to leave early to use the sleeping time for the kids, since they would not wake again until about 8 am...we would already be driving 4 hours and when they awoke it would be just in time to stop for breakfast...

Leah, about a 4 hours into the drive....

Bless her, she did really well...better than I expected

We went with the intention of stopping for the night at about 7 pm...somewhere west of Montreal...when travelling with children, what you hope for and what actually happens is completely different...we hit Montreal at about 7 pm...for some reason when we enter Montreal our GPS decides to go bonkers..I'm thinking from driving in the tunnel...anyhoo, at this point the kids are also going bonkers and I'm just about at that point also..I did not want to be lost in Montreal at night...so we try to find a hotel...FAIL...Doug just wants to get out of the city..so we just decide to keep going and find a hotel when we cross over into Ontario with ENGLISH PEOPLE...in the meantime, I am on the phone with my mother to try and find us a hotel in Cornwall, its like the 1st town close to the Quebec border..she calls me back..."I found you a nice place..take exit..blah, blah..." we follow her directions, she leads us to "the nice place" that looks like a drug den...another hotel FAIL! We drive a few more minutes and finally come to a Best Western...Yea!

My little family at the Best Western..

Cue Sleep....

Leah fell out of the bed sometime around 3am...the sleeping plan was to have Hallie, Leah and Linda in one bed and Doug, James and I in another...but Leah would not fall asleep in the bed with Linda, so we put her in the middle of our bed, with the intention of moving her when she was asleep...I woke Doug up at about 2am and told him to move Leah, he thought I meant move her to the outside of the bed, he put her close to the edge and off she went..

A pic of James, as we were leaving the hotel...he is like "how many more hours in the car seat?"

The weather... heavy rain...of course...no biggie..the drive to Daryl and Jenn's house was about 5 hours from the hotel...I was already getting stressed thinking about the 401 and driving through Toronto...Doug gets road rage very easily...

We survive the 401 and arrive in St.Catherine's about 3 pm...finally...one drive over with..I'm sure the kids were wanting to burn their car seats...

I'm not going to bore you by going over every single thing we did...we spent 3 full days at his brothers...we went shopping, we ate at The Mandarin, where Leah had some sort of allergic reaction and her face broke out in welts..Doug, Daryl, Hallie and I went to New York state to do some shopping...we were at the mall in Buffalo and Hallie found one of her childhood loves...

The Noo Noo from the teletubbies...I bet Leah was pissed she missed him...

I also picked up my Coach wallet, and got nailed for the duty at the Canadian border -damn you customs people*shakes fist in the air* We also got to see Niagara Falls from a distance, as Doug got lost trying to find a place for me to pee...

A few more random pics of the trip....

Aunt Jenn with Leah and James

Aunt Jenn again with James..this was the 1st time she has seen James..

A short video of James..

The days flew by and on early Tuesday morning, the 16th...we were packing up again...
this time to head home...
Cue the James face....

"Please parent people....no more car seat"

We were not in a hurry to get back, so it was a less stressful drive..we planned to stop for the night in Riviere Du Loup in Quebec, about a hour drive to New Brunswick from there...
A pic of the 401 through Toronto at 4:30 am...I can't believe the traffic..

Hallie catching up on some sleep....

When one is in Quebec...one must have Poutine...

One final video of the kids, this was at the hotel Tuesday night...

Obviously, I took more pics and videos...but I am just posting some of the more candid ones...
I thought I had one of Daryl with the kids, but I don't...

In short, it was a nice break from the routine here, and if not for Linda; it would not have been as relaxing and would have been twice the work, I was ever so appreciative that she tagged along...

There is other stuff going on with the Moshers, but I'll leave all that for another post...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Update #3

I woke up yesterday with a horrible migraine, and it went downhill from there...I think I developed a sinus infection...my head hurts like a mofo, I can't think and any bit of noise is like someone taking a hammer to my skull...I'm in such a drugged state, you could shove a salad fork up my ass and I wouldn't flinch....

I don't know when I will update...

I'm off to snuggle under my duvet with the bottle of NyQuil and mega box of tissues...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Getting there...

I'm in the process of uploading all my media from the trip....expect it to be posted by tommorow night....

I'm quite suprised we survived the trip....I would not recommend driving 20 hours with 3 kids....its not for the faint of heart...

Take care

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I've not updated as I am away, currently in Ontario...I will be back home on Wednesday and will have lots to update...

see ya then

Friday, March 5, 2010

Waiting for...


Yep, its that time again...my annual complaint against winter...its late though, usually I'm bitching in the middle of February...

As far as seasons go, I'm not much of a spring girl...I love the fall, give me the fall all year and I would be so very happy...but this year, for some reason, I am anticipating spring...I am seeing it as a "rebirth"....the earth is being born again, coming out of the winter's darkness...I'm sure BPAL has a perfume oil matching "spring".... I'm a big fan of perfumes that match the seasons and weather...

And the thing I dread most about spring....SPRING CLEANING!

I can't believe I'm going to post these photos.....

Here is our TV room....

I'm sad to say that it does not take long to get into this state, Leah is a very busy and messy toddler, I can only imagine what it will look like once James gets mobile * shudder*

And this lovely photo....this is where the magic happens....

To make you forget you seen those pics....

So, what are my plans for today?
You guessed it...

Have a good one...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh Canada....

We did it...we got gold! James was my good luck charm, I was pregnant with him when Pittsburgh won the Stanley Cup, and he was cheering on Crosby with me, sitting on my lap....

I'm not feeling the best today, so I'm just posting a few photos....

This is James 4 months, I have no fuckin clue why its sideways, I can't fix it and I don't care...

Not happy...

Kiss from big sis...
