Well I did it, I survived Christmas Hell '09 *pats myself on back*
So, let me just get to the stuff you all have been waiting for..the videos, the pics!
Make yourself a coffee, tea or rum and coke, your gonna be here awhile....
Lets start with Hallie's Christmas Concert....
I think it was the first concert she actually sang, but this is also the first concert I had optical zoom, so I could actually see the little punk! Leah was the lucky one, she slept through the whole thing, I would have gotten a shit kickin' from the man if I fell asleep!
A video of the kids Christmas morning....
Hallie was probably ready to pee her pants sitting there, not being able to open anything!
I think this was really the first Christmas she was genuinely excited, I think maybe having Leah who was also somewhat excited, was an influence, I don't think she went to sleep at all, and she woke me up every hour asking when she could open her presents..this is just a taste of what will come over the next few years when the other two get a clue..
Just a rundown of what the kids got...
Hallie got so much crap, there is still stuff in their boxes she has not opened yet to play with..but she got some books, DSi games, Hannah Montana dolls...and those Zhu Zhu pets off the black market from my mom and dad...
Leah got a couch from Santa, that kid loves to park her arse anywhere she can....
Santa brought James "Chuck My Talking Dump Truck" which we will re gift until he is two...
Doug got me a bottle of fancy french perfume..."Dior J'adore"..smells real pruty! My mom got me the movie "Julie and Julia" which I am so excited to watch, anything with Meryl Streep is great, and I can't wait to find 2 hours to myself, hunker down with a bag of sour cream and onion popcorn and zone out!
We started the tradition of Christmas Day breakfast last year, on Xmas eve I make up a breakfast casserole and some sort of cinnamon bread thingy called monkey brains..Doug cooks the bacon, hash browns and eggs...we invite all the in laws and have a grease feast-it rocks and is something I now look forward too..
We went to my mom's for Xmas supper and to be honest, I only go for the stuffing- I KID!
I'm actually going to take the next few sentences and devote them to my mom..
Thanks mom, you really made Christmas enjoyable for me this year! You did all my shopping, spent your money instead of mine and just were "there" and I appreciate it so much! I love you...amd your stuffing
OK, enough of that sappy shit, I have a reputation to uphold...
We had some good snow for a few days, so the little punks got to go out and play...

Snow fort they made...

Snow fort they made...
Leah in her new snowsuit, she could hardly walk..and I'm looking at this wondering why she does not have her winter boots on...oh daddy....
The in laws got the girls advent calenders, and this is what Leah thought of hers...
She did not like the concept of only one chocolate a day....
A pic of my little tree....
My moms Christmas tree...
Both trees look much cuter in person....
Well, I think that is about it....
I hope everyone has a faboo New Years!
Peace Out....
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