A few pics of our visit last night, he is no longer in an isolette, but in a cot and he can wear sleepers..too cute!
I look like shit, considering I do not have a newborn waking me every 2 hours, I still have to get up and pump..and I am in desperate need of a visit to my hairstylist...I'm frightening! Waiting for normal resumption of life...
He loves to snuggle up, he pulls his little legs up and I call him a little froggy..just one of those new baby things that I love *sigh* I still want to have another baby, even after all this hell...
Snuggles from Daddy....the best kind!
And my other baby turned 8 yesterday!
Hallie, Candace and Doug made the birthday cake...

We just had a quiet family dinner, she wanted spaghetti and meatballs, so we got a pizza, spaghetti from a local place..the pizza was good the spaghetti was horrid...We, and the grandparents all went in and got her a Nintendo DSi thingy for her to play her games, listen to mp3s and surf the web, oh and it takes pics! Maybe Santa and his "elves" (coughrelativescough) can get her some games for Xmas *wink*
Going to visit James this morning and come home and try to clean my house, it looks as if a bomb went off in here...so if James does come home tomorrow, I will be able to find him if I set him down somewhere..
Have a wonderful Sunday!
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