James Paul Lester-8lbs 1 oz and 100% cute!
I am only going to post a few pics, I am way to tired to write out my whole birth story right now..but I did go into labor on my own on Monday, water broke at 5 cm....5 minutes later I was dilated to 10 and approx. 7-8 good pushes he was out...very fast!
Poor muffin has my blood disorder so he is stuck in the NICU until he can get rid of his jaundice, hopefully he will be there no more than a week! He looks just like his daddy and eats like a champ, loves the boobies already!
I still have to decide on a new name for the blog, which will mean a new address...so when I get that figured out you will all know!
Congratulations to you, Doug, Hallie and Leah and a great big welcome to our nephew James. We can't wait to meet you...which hopefully will be before you are one. I am sure your mommy will keep us updated on all your milestones until then. We love all of you.
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