But who's counting?
I know I said I did not want to complain, but I am getting really uncomfortable....
Sleep is pretty much a luxury now, my hips are in so much pain, I have to switch sides every 20 minutes...also, using the bathroom every hour...annoying
I can no longer shave my legs or see my feet, I get Doug to paint my toenails...bless him!
I peed my pants yesterday without any triggering event (sneezing, coughing, etc..) Fantastic!
I can't reach to the back of the washer machine or dryer for clothes...
Lifting, carrying and holding Leah for any period of time causes contractions...
One minute I am happy, then angry and crying...
I blame the hormones. For everything. Always
Most of all, I just want to meet this baby...he or she...I'm so excited!
Since I am planning for a boy....it will indeed be a girl....
And no, we still do not have any names...
Hallie's school has been a real clusterfuck......they keep moving classes and teachers....she should be back in an all grade 2 class today, no longer split with grade 3... The school must think parents are made out of money, every day there is some new request for money...fundraisers, Terry Fox (not that I mind that one) Pizza, book orders....we are lucky to be able to be a little generous, but I would imagine there are some families that just can not afford giving the school $10 a week
I'm just trying to get some cooking and freezing done, as I am only 3 weeks to term, my Dr said after 37 weeks its fine for Beebo to come.....so at 37 weeks eviction papers will be served!
We are going to the reptile expo on Sunday, but other than that should be a quiet one...
Have a good one!
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