- I like schedules..I am on a strict routine through the week starting with getting Hallie off to school and from there do mostly everything at the same time..breakfast, naps, lunch, snack, nap..etc..I hate the break in routine ( don't get me wrong though, I do like the break in making lunches and walking Hallie to the bus)
- Sometimes Doug is home on the weekend and he gets in my way...and its my way or the highway
- And finally, I do not get to sleep in on the weekends and it pisses me off
But I am bored, the weather is crappy and so I am updating my blog...
Doug and I played the name game again and he shot down a few of my suggestions, so we have a revised list...
Jade *new*
Michael (not Mike, and I am not sure if people would call him Michael or Mike)
Carter *new*
Corbin *new*
A few pics...
Leah enjoying her morning Tim's..med double double and jam timbit....

I told her she is too young to play with naked men...

I have this strange desire to purchase boy clothes, and in my dreams I have a baby boy, but Lindsay told me that you have the opposite sex of what you dream..so again, must be girl...but I even saw its twig and berries in my dream...must count for something! Because we are not going to find out the gender, I have been looking into old wives tales..and I asked my Dr about a few..such as the heart rate..
Over 140-girl
Under 140 boy
Not that I hold that true, as Leah was under 140 a few times..and my Dr told me that the babies heart rate as a sign of boy/girl is a crock of shit..she said that in her experience, mother's instinct is always right..so when women think its a boy deep down, it usually is a boy...in my opinion, this is also a crock of shit, as I was hell bent that Hallie was a boy..I called the baby him and had the name Tyler picked out but when we found out the gender at the ultrasound this is how it went down
Tech: want to know the sex?
Me: Yes (but I knew already..boy)
Tech: lets see....a girl!
Me: What?
Tech: Your having a girl (shows me the girly bits)
Me: There must be a mistake, please check again
Tech: no mistake, a girl (proceeds to show me girly bits again..explaining things as if talking to a 5 year old in slow motion.."this.... is.... the... labia..etc"
So my Tyler became Hallie on that day...sorry Hallie
I've got to end here, Leah keeps turning the computer off..she likes to press the blue light
Have a great weekend...whats left of it...
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