The weather is miserable here and I am wishing I was at a cafe in Paris drinking a chocolat chaud *sigh*
This is the house Jane Austen lived and died in. I have read all her novels at least 3 times and every BBC adaption. We could not go in as they were doing construction.

This was the Breakfast Doug ate every morning when we were in London. It goes by the name of a full English, I call it heart attack on a plate

I did not know they had hookers at Windsor castle, wonder what the queen would say..Doug took this pic because was following her around.

Stonehenge..I have to be honest and say..I was really not impressed with Stonehenge. I was under the impression that it was massive..don't get me wrong, they are huge..I just thought they would have been bigger. I had my past lives examined last year..she told me I was a druid priestess..I thought I would have flashbacks here...but I did not..

If any of you are familiar with Henry VIII, they you probably know about the tower of London. While it was not actually built by him, he got the most use out of it. He kept 2 of his wives here until they were beheaded. Any prisoners coming into the tower came in by boat through Traitor's Gate.

Doug got to finally meet Britney Spears..even though she was made out of wax

Even though Doug is deathly afraid of heights, I manged to get him up into the London Eye. The view was amazing...

This is the view of the Eiffel Tower as we were coming into Paris. Yes, that is a mini stature of liberty..the US gave that to Paris after they gave them the huge one that sits in NY Harbour

Some hot soldiers..they were walking back and forth at the base of the Eiffel Tower.."why monsieur, that's a big gun you have"

What would be a post about Paris if I did not include any pics of the sweets and pastries..I swear I gained 5lbs when I was in this city, even the bread is fancy

This was the view from the Eiffel Tower, Doug did not seem to mind going to the top of it. Its all fenced in, I guess to prevent suicides..remember in the movie European Vacation, Griswold threw the Frisbee off and the dog went after it..long way down...

We went to Versailles, where Marie Antoinette lived when she was the Queen of France..this is her bedroom..

We strolled along the Champs-Elysee's, its best to avoid if you are poor..they have Dior, Lois Vitton, Chanel..etc...But Doug fell in love here, we walked into a Mercedes dealer, and they had a car Doug was excited only cost 1.5 million in Canadian dollars...guess he will have to settle for the pic...

That's pretty much it...Amsterdam needs a whole post on its I'll save that for another day!
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