I just have to get this off my chest...
Fuck you daylight savings! *raises my middle fingers high*
Hallie won't get out of bed in the morning because it is still dark, Hallie won't go to bed at night because it is still light...
March is an asshole of a month..one day it is nice and sunny and the next is a full on snow assault
Daylight savings is even affecting Leah, though I am not sure why? She slept 2 hours later on Monday and went to be 2 hours later that night, she also cut a tooth so that may be to blame also..I seem to have her back on schedule today..hopefully it will stick!
Yes, I am going to miss that gummy smile..it was the greatest thing to wake up to in the morning!
Leah is a horrible sleeper, she only sleeps for 45 minutes at a time and still nurses 4-5x a night..but there is hope for me yet! I picked up some books this weekend while browsing the used bookstore..
- Solve your child's sleep problems
- Sleeping through the night
- The no cry sleep solution
- Three in a bed
One of them is pro crying it out, and I refuse to do that-I'm sorry but I would not treat an animal that way-one mentions and I quote from her book...
" Vomiting is no big deal for infants...vomiting can even be fun. And it is common for infants to vomit after crying, don't worry about it...clean up baby as well as you can without picking him up and leave the room" WTF-that woman is on crack!!!
I realize what I am about to type here might get a negative reaction but I think crying it out or CIO as it is know in parenting circles is in my opinion a form of infant abuse..essentially CIO works by abandoning the baby so she cries to point of exhaustion, gives up hope and falls asleep..*flame away*
Yes, I may not get a full nights sleep until she is a toddler, but at least she knows that I am there for her and she is in a secure and safe environment! I know I am beating a dead horse with this, but I've become passionate about this, and realize her waking up all night is not good for her either, but I will work on her schedule and find a gentle way to help her get more sleep!
Okay, I promise I will not talk about this anymore!
In other Mosher related news...I've decided to start creative writing and am looking into writing classes and workshops. I've toyed with the idea of writing screenplays and have several ideas scribbled down, I also have tons of poetry and short stories written. All my uni professors told me to become a writer, so I think I will try it-who knows it might pay the bills!
Hallie seems to have gotten over her illness, though she still has to take her medication and I would rather have holes drilled in my head than go though getting her to take her damn medication 3x/day..Seriously, that shit is tasty (banana) and she acts like I am making her drink lighter fluid-oh the drama of an 7 year old!
I shall leave you all with pics from the reptile show we went to last weekend

Hallie said the alligator only had 3 legs???

I swear that snake was a good foot wide
Have a good one and be nice to each other...