about I lighten the mood....
James' 8 month photo...

I can't believe he is 8 months already...where did my baby boy go?
I don't have much to blog about...I don't watch TV anymore...I hardly get out anymore...yeah, that's depressing...but I am excited about the upcoming theatrical release of Eclipse...Lindsay and I have gone to every Twilight movie together...I am looking forward to that...
In other fabulous news...I put myself on a month diet...since the 1st of June, I have not eat any in chocolate, chips..grease...I do allow myself veggie pizza...I have also been doing my wii fit 2-3x a week and I am proud to announce I have lost 15lbs since then...that gives me a total of over 25 lbs since March break...let me tell ya...nothing like a loved one dying to kill the appetite...the week I was told my dad was terminal, I literally ate nothing for 5 days...just water...I was not hungry..and that is really unusual, as I am an emotional eater...well I thought I was...
Something else shocking....Hallie finishes school this week...she goes and gets her report card tomorrow...holy shit...grade 3 here we come...I am looking forward to being able to sleep in past 6:30, not fighting over what she wears, homework and early bedtime...summer will fly by always does...good I hate summer...
Doug also finished school a few weeks ago, well we did it...we survived almost a whole year of Doug not working and going to school everyday...I think he is pretty darn proud of himself as we all year left and he will be graduating and working on airplanes, which I am not entirely thrilled about...I have this morbid worry that he may get sucked into the engine of a plane..he came home from school one day describing the many ways an airplane mechanic can die on the job...fall in the engine, incinerated by the engine, fall from the plane, die in a plane crash, get locked in a compartment and left to die...oy vey!
Leah's birthday is next week...I was going to make her a cake, but I just don't have the motivation I am going to order her cake and just have a quiet celebration with close family...the last 2 years have gone by so fast...
Have a super safe week and tell your loved ones you love 'em!