Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In the still of the night...

I like to do certain things, random things...I love to get up in the middle of the night and open the patio door and just spend a few minutes looking at the sky and woods...but I only enjoy it if it is really cold and there is snow...its the smell of the air that I crave....I love it so much that I buy perfume oils with that scent, and I have to confess I spent $85 on a candle called Zagorsk... I did not even sniff it before I purchased it, the description alone sold me...

"Zagorsk opens with a surge of crisp pine and cedar. At its heart is an almost clean feeling… like pine cones strewn on brand-new snow on a dark winter's eve. Pretty poetic, and so is Zagorsk. At the base is Russia's famous birch wood, but not smoky, just the memory of old, fragrant fires burned in an Orthodox church in the middle of a forest. Clear and clean with a touch of melancholy"

I love it so much, I only burned it half way...I need to save it

When I'm not wasting money, I spend majority of my computer time reading other mommy blogs, and there is one I have been following for the last year or so, I'm not going to type the blog name and she may or may not visit this page, but this particular mama does not vaccinate her son, as seems to be the trend lately...anyhoo, she wrote on her last entry that she is looking for ways to have her little boy who is just over 2, catch measles, small pox and chicken pox, she wants to end nursing and wants him to get those before she quits...LADY, YOU ARE FUCKING CRAZY...its a no brainer, I vax my little punks...and those that don't fine, but keep your kids off the playgrounds and out of the schools...these diseases are still going around and unvaccinated children can and have died from even the chicken pox..imagine allowing your child to catch chicken pox and have them die from would a mother be able to live with herself?

*steps off my soap box*

Okay, I left out some tidbits last post...we got Leah's hair cut last week...she did okay, she had to sit on her daddy's lap and she would not let the girl put a cape on her..I think Doug is still picking hair off of him...

My dad is home from the hospital and is doing as can be expected, he had to have his lymph nodes removed and lost some of his I've been nurse Amanda... I have to clean his incisions once a day and check his blood pressure 3x a day...

I mentioned that Hallie was growing out of her clothes, I took her shopping at Old Navy, and she is now wearing a size M shirt....I remember not long ago, I was buying XS...she is all arms and legs...

James is doing great, we are working on tummy time..he is almost soon going to be rolling over...

Here is his monthly pics...

Sitting on the chair...

I should have done those monthly pics of Leah, it will be neat to see all 12 and compare...

I love putting his hair in a mohawk...

The weekend is almost here, yippee! We have no big plans, all I can hope for is to sleep past 7am

Sunday, January 24, 2010 motion..

I've decided this week to get serious about my writing..I'm going to get back to writing grade 12, I won a national poetry contest and was even published...I'm hoping to get the creative juices flowing and see what I can come up with...

My dad is still in the hospital recovering from his surgery, he might be home tomorrow!

I mentioned in my last update, that Leah used the potty...I've been somewhat training her..I think she might be ready, but I'm not going to push the issue...Hallie came up with a nice little song she sings to try to motivate Leah....

Its possible you might not be able to understand a word she is I've included the lyrics...

"I like to sing, I like to dance, but I can't do it with poopy in my pants"

I don't think she realized that I was going to put this online...

Lindsay got James this outfit for Xmas..its some type of little cute!

And matching socks....

I just want to *nom nom* on those baby feet!

I've been watching too much "Jersey Shore"... James doing his best fist pump!

"I'm sorry, did I say I was putting you in an electric chair? I meant bumbo seat"....

Take care

Friday, January 22, 2010

Better Spirits....

Happy Friday!

Quick update on the current status of the Moshers

As I mentioned before, the little punks had their appointments with the hematologists on was an excellent meeting...

Hallie is doing great and now only has to go once a year, her blood levels are finally high and that is where they should stay, her operation was life altering...totally different kid!

Leah did have a drop in levels when she was tested in December, but they went back up, she is so far my child with the least amount of blood transfusions..its to early so say if she will need her spleen partially removed or not...she goes back in 6 months...

James surprised me, he last had a blood transfusion on New Years Eve, his level was 70..and on Monday it was he might only have to have his blood tested once a month now..GO JAMES!

Doug had 2 exams this week, one he scored 100% and the other was 96%...I know I say it a lot, but I am soooooooooooo proud of him and very excited for our future, the jobs in the airline maintenance field are plentiful and offer excellent wages...GO DOUG!

My dad had his surgery yesterday, I've not seen or talked to him yet, but everything went well and they are confident they removed all the cancer *fingers crossed* GO DAD!

And the biggest news of the week.....


As for Amanda... same church, different pew....nothing new or exciting with myself!

Some pics...

Invisible shoulder...

And Leah falling asleep in random places, I like that she has enough sense to find a pillow first!

Take care all

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Life can be so unfair...

I have to be a Debbie Downer again, I'm sorry... one of my New Year's resolutions was to only associate with positive people....I am my own enemy..

It must be post pregnancy or breastfeeding hormones, but I am an emotional mess...

If you follow my blog, you know that all my kids have a blood disorder, its called hereditary spherocytosis, in a nutshell, their red blood cells are fucked up...anyhoo, the kids need to go see the specialist every 6 months, and yesterday was the big day... where our appointments are, is also the children's cancer clinic...not a place anyone wants to we see the hematologist and the little punks are all doing great..blah we were leaving, we see a little girl in the hallway about the same size as Leah and my heart was crushed when I "really" seen her...

She was bald, wearing a chemo mask and her skin was transparent she was so pale...

I'm not a big "God" believer, but I am it really gets my back up when people will say "God has his reasons" or "things happen for a reason"...and maybe to some degree... but please tell me, what reason is there for this precious little girl to be so sick...

She should have a mop of beautiful hair on her head, her cute smile should not have to be hidden behind a 18 month old is so happy, healthy and full of life and so should should be against the laws of nature for babies and kids to be sick...

The same goes for women who are not able to have babies or get pregnant...why?

When so many irresponsible girls/women get pregnant over and over and are generally unfit mothers...

Have these people somehow pissed "God" off and that is their punishment?

I don't know, I just know that I am blessed and yes, I bitch and moan and complain, as I am sure you all do, but I really thank a higher power every night for all that I health, my kids, a roof and food...

So next time I bitch about something, I'm going to stop myself and think of those in Haiti or that little girl in the hallway...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Somebody entertain me...

I'm so blah...I know its this time of year, but I just need a pick me up of some sort...

Thank God income tax refund time is almost upon us, Doug only has a few more unemployment cheques coming, and after that we are on a wing and a prayer... we usually get back $3500.00 and with James, probably a little bit more...we want to buy a new washer/dryer set, and I've been eyeing a Coach wallet for awhile, the kids need some new clothes and the rest will have to be put in savings, Doug will also be getting his student loan money and with my monthly child support from the gov't, we should be okay until he goes back to work in June...

This week has flew by, Doug had another exam this week, which he scored a sweet 96%..I'm so proud of him...I love you babe!

The little punks are doing great, all getting so big...I noticed Hallie's gym pants were getting short this morning, she is getting so tall...Leah is still coming out with all sorts of words...I'm waiting on "shit, fuck and asshole" those of you who know Doug will understand! James is in 6 month clothing, and even some of those are getting snug, he is very long, the longest of all my babies...

Some new pics...

Leah hates to go down for a nap and I am not able to lay with her for an hour till she falls asleep, so she will grab a pillow and pass out anywhere or on anything...

Hallie wanted everyone to see her bump, I had a hell of a time trying to get a good pic..

James just chillin'

And the video of the week...blink and you will miss it....
Leah falling asleep eating her it!

Have a great weekend!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Julia was a no show last night...

Yep, my plan to cook a Julia Child meal every Sunday did not go as planned...
I'm just too poor right now to cook a Julia meal, I planned to make the quiche Lorraine last night, but Doug put his back out and he had to buy some Robaxacet and that shit is pricey, so I had to decide...quiche or pain free hubby...hmmmm..
I will try again next Sunday...
In Mosher news...
1) Hallie knocked heads at school and got a pretty bad bump, she had to come home from school last Tuesday and she is still sporting a bruise
2) Doug got a 97% on his last exam
3) Leah has been talking like crazy...its so weird to see this little person that could not talk before just to explode with words, it really is pretty amazing watching your kids grow...
4)I got my Wii fit out and have managed to work out...I'm not happy with the way I look, seriously though, Doug is no help as he tells me he loves me just the way I am and thanks me for carrying his babies and losing all semblance to my former hot self, he does tell me my body "was" (notice past tense) awesome when we got together over 10 years ago, thanks dear!
I'm gonna get serious on all you again...
My dad is not doing very well, he has a tumor on his face and cancer in his lymph nodes...he has surgery booked for next week...I'm so sad, he has been through so much health wise, this man had a liver transplant approx 5 years ago, and just had surgery in October to remove another cancerous growth and one would think that would be enough, no he has to go and get more cancer...I don't mention him much on here, but he is my *everything* and honestly the nicest man anyone could ever meet, he deserves none of this...I love him dearly and I'm not really sure how I could maneuver through this world without him...
So for any of you praying type of people, can you please put a word in for my only wish in life is for him is to someday watch James drive a Kenworth and see "his girls" in their wedding dresses!

Take care

Friday, January 8, 2010

Left unsaid...

There is a place I have to call a few times a week...there is a special lady that works there...she had a stillbirth last year...she lost her baby girl. The last few times I have called, she has answered, she knows who I am, and she knows that I know she lost her baby, she knows I just had a baby...I get uncomfortable and stammer my words, wanting to end the phone call quickly, as thinking her hearing James crying in the background might be upsetting..we hang up....I call the next day, she answers, James is fussing...the call ends...

What I really want to tell her is that I am so very sorry for her loss....

And in case she does read this blog, I'm posting a poem I found and thought of her..maybe she has read it already, but it is beautiful and I'm putting it up anyways...

Don’t let them say I wasn’t born,
That something stopped my heart
I felt each tender squeeze you gave,
I’ve loved you from the start.
Although my body you can’t hold
It doesn’t mean I’m gone
This world was worthy, not of me
God chose that I move on.
I know the pain that drowns your soul,
What you are forced to face
You have my word, I’ll fill your arms,
Someday we will embrace.
You’ll hear that it was meant to be,
God doesn’t make mistakes
But that wont soften your worst blow,
Or make your heart not ache.
I’m watching over all you do,
Another child you’ll bear
Believe me when I say to you,
That I am always there.
There will come a time,
I promise you,
When you will hold my hand,
Stroke my face and kiss my lips
And then you’ll understand.
Although I’ve never breathed your air,
Or gazed into your eyes
That doesn’t mean I never was,
An Angel never dies.

-Author Unknown

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A year in review...

Happy New Year to all my readers!

I did one of these last Jan on my blog, so I decided to do it again and see what has changed...

I just copied and pasted the one from last year, I will put the new answers in red...

1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?

I said goodbye to my nanna before she passed away *sniff*
Began using cloth diapers
Made a blog
Learn to let things just "go"
Got a snake as a pet
Fed said snake a dead mouse *barf*
Watched Hannah Montana about 123546467 times
Became part of the Webkinz hysteria
Tried being vegan for a week *did lose 3lbs that week*

Give birth to a baby with a penis

Gee, I did not do much this year...thats sad...

2. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
Money *duh*
Patience with my husband and my girls
Self control over food

Money, that will always be the answer hahaha!
A psychologist
Still self control over food *damn you food*

3.What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
March 19- Hallie's big operation
April 3- Saw Leah the 1st time in my tummy with 3d ultrasound
July 5- Leah was born
Sept 8- I turned 30
Nov 27- My Nanna died

Feb 20 I had a positive pregnancy test
July 5 Leah turned 1
Sept 5 Doug started school
Oct 26 my son was born

4. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Giving Birth

Giving Birth....I see a trend..

5. What was your biggest failure?
Not visiting my nanna more

All the mommy guilt I felt by getting pregnant so soon after having Leah

6. What was the best thing you bought?
Baby Einstein DVDs

Our new kiddie mobile, we can fit the whole clan..and room for 2 more...

7. Where did most of your money go?
Food and the girls

Food and the kids..

8. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Everything my girls do, Leah smiling for the 1st time, Hallie getting 92% on her math test
Obama winning the US election

Having a boy, watching Leah walk and talk...Hallie getting so mature, Doug doing so awesome at school..

9. What song will always remind you of 2008?
Hannah Montana "Best of Both Worlds" I heard it all summer long..morning to night

Lady Gaga Poker was on all the time...

10. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?


11. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Bitch to my husband

Bitch to and about my husband

12. How did you spend Christmas?
With Doug and the Girls, we put up our own little tree in the basement with gifts. We went to my mom's for Xmas lunch and stayed home that night-it was nice and quiet!

With Doug and the kids...

13. Did you fall in love in 2008?
Everyday, a thousand times

Everyday, a thousand times..

14. What was your favorite TV program?
Dexter, The Tudors, Heroes, Survivor, Big Love

Dexter, The Tudors, Big Love, Vampire Diaries

15. What was the best book you read?
Atonement by Ian McEwan

The Secret History of Paris by Andrew Hussey

16 What did you want and get?
A baby girl

A baby boy

17. What did you want and not get?
A new car


18. What was your favorite film of this year?
Sex and the city

Julie and Julia

19. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 30 and I went out the supper with the family

I turned 31 and went out to supper with the family and met an Olympic champion..

20. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?


21. What kept you sane?
My girls

My husband, he is my everything and really an amazing man and father

22. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Guess what? I don't care

I still don't care...

23. What political issue stirred you the most?
Prop 8

Did not really follow any politics this year

24. Who did you miss?

My Nanna who passed away and Amy, she is in Afghanistan

Still my Nanna and Amy

25. Who was the best new person you met?

My little man, James

26. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
Karma is a real bitch!

Honesty is the best policy...

27. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

I really couldn't’t care less about music


2010 came in very peaceful, I was asleep at ten after 12...yes, I am a very boring person...we were at the children's hospital all day while James had a blood transfusion... we had our friends Dave and Briann over, and Briann is pregnant so we just ordered some pizza and hung out....we had the kids so we kept everything child friendly, Jennifer and Kiersten came over for fireworks that Doug set off at about 10'clock..yep, it was a very low key NYE!

The in laws gave me a Chapters gift card for Xmas, so I decided to purchase Julia Child's cookbook "Mastering The Art of French Cooking" and after watching Julie and Julia, which I do recommend watching, Meryl Streep does not disappoint...anyways, I suddenly have an interest in French cooking, and must say that while I was in Paris I could not afford to eat the real fancy stuff...but anyhoo..I think I will attempt to cook a Julia Child meal every Sunday... so call me if you want reservations at Chez Mosher!

James turned 2 months on the 26 and here is a few comparison pics...he is getting so big..

One Month

Two Months

Doug and Hallie go back to school this week and I will be glad to get back to my routine..THANK YOU JESUS...I need my routine...
So, for my resolutions..I have all the usual ones...lose weight and get into some sort of shape..preferably a shape that's not "round"...I really need to stress less and surround myself with positive people...I think I can do it...
Just watch me...
Take care